Year 1: First Month, Part 3

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There was a searing heat, like that of a burning star. It was followed by the cold embrace of the void, and though all logic dictated that the two should not mix, Estella felt it. The power, flowing between the like a river.

The kiss only lasted for a couple of seconds. Nox grunted and gently pushed her off him, his face a mask of sheer astonishment and disbelief. "What in the Abyss do you think you're doing?" he hissed, but not aggressively.

Estella stepped back, touching her lips. Nox tasted sweet, probably from the cake he had been eating. She smiled at him. "You felt it too, didn't you?"

"Felt what?" he demanded. His hands were shaking, for some reason. But why? Wasn't she a good kisser?

"The Resonance," she said. Her smile turned into a smirk. "Our magic, our powers, they Resonated."

Nox strode past her without so much as a glance. "I don't know what you're talking about." He unlocked the door and left.

Estella stood alone inside the room, pondering what had just transpired. It was Resonance, she was certain of it. And she was also certain that Nox knew it as well. He was just denying it, avoiding the inevitable. Why?

"Why indeed?" Estella mused. Perhaps she had been too forward; Nox was two years younger than her, after all. He probably had no experience with what she did, either. But no matter. There was no denying their connection.

At last, she had found her Squire.


The days passed. This time, Estella actively sought for Nox, but he started avoiding her. Every time she would approach, he would find some excuse to leave immediately, often before she could even talk to him.

But Estella wasn't frustrated, not in the least. If anything, she savored the 'hunt', as weird as that sounded. No one had denied her this much, and those who did, well, they soon found out that denying her was a big mistake.

Then the day came when the second-years and third-years were pitted against each other, at least those who weren't partnered yet. It was a tradition in the Academy to hold mock battles between sophomores and seniors, testing their skills in preparation for the field exams.

And as luck would have it, Estella was partnered with Nox. Again.

It was the eastern training ground this time, twice the size of the Selection Courtyard, allowing for more spectators and participants. As always, Sir Balor was the referee, his incredible height prominent within the crowd.

Estella and Nox strode towards the center, Animartas already in hand. They stopped thirty feet from each other, and as Sir Balor recited the rules, Estella smiled at Nox, letting the unspoken words show through it.

Today, you will be mine.

"Begin!" Sir Balor said, rending the air with a powerful hand.

Nox struck first, too fast. Estella blocked his first strike, whirling around to parry the next. Something was different with him today. The shadows, she could see them coiling around Erebos, thicker than during the Selection Duel.

Estella pressed forward, weaving a complicated patter, keeping Nox on the defensive. They were given five minutes to defeat one another without the use of spells, and she was confident that she would emerge victorious; Nox may be a good Wielder, but she had already seen how he fought.

Their blades locked. They were so close to each other that Estella could feel his hot breath, short and ragged. "Yield," she murmured.

Nox's expression hardened, and he pushed with all his strength. Estella stumbled backward, swinging Astra to block the strike she knew was coming. Sparks flew as their Animartas met.

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