Year 2: First Month, Part 3

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Her fingers traced patterns on his chest, making him burn with desire once more. But Nox suppressed the urge, content with her warm body on his.

She kissed him along his jaw line, murmuring, "I missed you."

He smiled, his mouth searching hers. Another hungry kiss, their tongues dancing. When they drew apart, he responded, "So did I."

Estella hummed in contentment, resting her head over his heart. He sensed her thoughts, calm and serene, but there was a question in there. "Where have you been for the last three months?" she asked.

"Traveling." It was not a lie. "I visited my village." Another truth. It was easy, even if Estella barely knew about his past.

She looked at him, intrigued. "What did your parents say? About us, I mean."

He chuckled despite the pain in his heart. "I didn't tell them that you almost drove me insane with your training and teasing, if that's what you're afraid off."

Her pout was cute as always, and it made him want to enter her mouth again. She slapped him lightly in the chest. "You're awful. I want to know what they think of me. If they approve of me."

Chuckling again, he stroke her hair. "Relax, Ella. They love you."

"If you say so." She sighed and snuggled closer. "I was hoping to visit your village once you graduated. Before they send me off to who knows where."

Nox's brows furrowed. "You're not staying here to teach?"

She laughed softly. "No, silly. I just stayed for you." Her fingers wandered again, and he could feel her hesitation through them. "My father... I negotiated with the king. I told him that I want to teach here until you graduated."

"And he agreed?"

She nodded. "He did. Surprisingly."

"And the queen and your sister?"

With a smile, she nuzzled his neck. "They love you... I think. They actually want to see you."

"Maybe after I graduate."

"Yes. Speaking of which, have you chosen your Squire already?"

The sudden shift in topic caught him off guard, but it wasn't unexpected. The first week was when Bonded pairs were usually formed to prepare Knight and Squire for the entire school year. Erian had already chosen his Squire—the same axe user he had assessed on Selection Day.

"I haven't decided yet," he admitted. "But..."

"Ireela?" It wasn't a conjecture on Estella's part; she had sensed his thoughts through the Resonance.

Nox nodded. "She has potential. I want to know how far she can go, guide her to be a powerful Wielder." He smiled at her. "Just like what you did to me."

"Just like what I am still doing," she corrected, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "And I know you'll be a good teacher."

They lay together, basking in each other's warmth. But he couldn't stay here in her room. "I have to go," he murmured in her ear.

"You can't stay longer?" Her hand drifted lower. "One more?"

He wanted to, but he shook his head. "If I did, I won't leave."

"Better, then."

He chuckled, and he sensed her desire burning at his voice. "I'll visit again tomorrow night."


Grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles, Nox smiled. "On my honor as your Squire."


He found the girl sitting in a quiet corner of the library, unaware of his approach. The book she was reading, History of Faven, was one he had already memorized last year, and it seemed that the contents fascinated the girl.

"'Day 126, the war was going badly, but the 2nd Mounted Battalion was ordered to retake the fjord. A nearly insurmountable task, yet one that we had to fulfill if the rest of the invasion force are to flee...'"

Ireela jumped at his voice, closing the book with a sharp snap. Nox chuckled softly. "Sorry. It's one of my favorite parts, so I couldn't resist."

She smiled. "It's fine, Sir Nox. You actually captured Ranare's narrative voice quite well."

"Did I?" He wasn't much of a storyteller, though Estella seemed to think otherwise. He shrugged. "Wasn't much of a fan of him, unfortunately. I find his style lacking."

Her eyes shone with interest. "Which authors do you like, then?"

"Well, Domern, Arestos, Maliga..." He listed five more of his favorites, which seemed to impress her. "You?"

Her smile turned embarrassed. "I'm just beginning to like books, so I don't know yet."

"It's fine. You'll soon find what you like. Fiction or non-fiction?"

"Both. I don't have any preferences, really."

"Understandable." There was a brief pause. He shifted where he stood, and Ireela did the same.

Oh, joy. Two anti-socials.

Shut it. Nox smiled. "So, what are you doing here?"

She frowned. "I'm reading."

"Ah, right." He cleared his throat. "So, uh..."

She quirked an eyebrow. "Yes?"

This was ridiculous, he thought. But he needed a Squire and Ireela was his best choice. He drew a deep breath and finally asked, "Have you found a Knight yet?"

Her eyes widened at that. "Oh! Um, no. I still haven't. I..." Ireela shrugged. "No one seems to want me even though I defeated you."

He furrowed his brows at that. For some reason, Nox found it quite insulting. He smiled. "Well, then, would you like to be my Squire?"

Ireela gasped and cast her gaze to the floor, her eyes darting around. "I don't think I'm worthy to be your Squire, Sir Nox."

"Why not?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Because I'm not strong enough." She finally met his gaze. Nox saw the pain in them, the doubts that he often saw in the mirror before he met Estella. "My magic is weak. A-A-And I couldn't hold my own in a fight."

"You managed just fine when we fought," he pointed out.

She shook her head. "By sheer luck." Smiling sadly, she dipped her head. "I'm sorry, but you're better off with a talented Squire."

He grimaced. Was this how Estella had felt when he rejected her at first? Still, he was sure he wouldn't be as forward and aggressive as she had been to him. "Do you know I was just like you when I started here?" he said.

To his surprise, she nodded. "I heard as much from the other students. It took a month before you became a Squire?"

He chuckled. "Yes. Almost. Then another week of evading Estella." He smiled fondly at the memory, the way she dragged him off to a storage room and kissed him. "Do you know why she chose me?"

Ireela's eyes shone with interest. "Why?"

"Because she saw the potential in me, or so she said." He extended a hand toward Ireela. "And in turn, I see the potential in you." He smiled warmly. "I want you to be my Squire, Ireela Raevin. I want to bring out your potential, just as my Master, and now our teacher, had. Will you accept me as your Knight?"

There was hesitation in the girl's eyes. Fear and doubt. But Nox didn't lower his hand, and he waited.

Finally, with a grateful smile and sparkling eyes, Ireela placed her hand atop his.

"I accept, Master."

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