not so subtle hints

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⠀⠀The mess hall buzzed with chatters as campers gathered for breakfast, the aroma of freshly cooked food filling the air. Alessandra stood in line, waiting to collect her meal, when she felt a hand on her arm. 

Turning to look at the person, her eyes grew large, surprise evident in her voice as he gently tugged her toward his usual table.

"Luke?!" Alessandra exclaimed.

Luke grinned mischievously, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "You still owe me your presence during breakfast, you know," he teased, his tone light and playful.

Alessandra couldn't help but laugh at his antics, shaking her head in mock exasperation. "I never agreed to that," she retorted.

As they made their way to the table, Alessandra hesitated, her gaze flickering nervously towards Luke's friends. They were a tight-knit group, and while she had seen them around camp, she had never really interacted with them before. They weren't her friends, and the thought of intruding on their circle made her feel uneasy.

"Luke, maybe next time," Alessandra began, tugging her arm away from his grasp only for it to tighten but not enough to hurt her. She didn't want to impose, especially since she wasn't sure how his friends would react to her sudden presence.

But Luke was having none of it. With a smile, he turned to his friends, motioning for Alessandra to come closer. 

"Guys, this is Alessandra," he said, his tone warm and inviting. "She's a good friend of mine, and I thought it was about time you all got to know each other."

“No need to introduce her, Luke. We’re extremely familiar with her already thanks to—” one of Luke’s friends started, a playful smirk on his lips, but Luke quickly cut in.

“Why don’t you have a seat?” Luke said, gesturing to the empty spot next to him with a friendly smile.

Alessandra felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she took the offered seat. Luke's friends were giving her knowing looks, clearly amused by the situation.

As they chatted and laughed, Alessandra found herself relaxing in their company. They shared stories and inside jokes, and Alessandra quickly realized that she had more in common with them than she had initially thought. 

At one point, Luke leaned in close to whisper in her ear, his breath warm against her skin. "See? I told you they'd love you," he said, his voice filled with warmth and affection.

Alessandra couldn't help but smile at his words, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. She was grateful for Luke's insistence on including her, even if it had initially made her feel uncomfortable. 

“Thank you,” She mouths towards him, to which he replies with a smile.

The conversation at the table continued, filled with laughter and lighthearted banter. Luke's friends seemed to be dropping hints left and right, their playful teasing not lost on Alessandra, though she remained oblivious to their implications.

“So, Alessandra, how long have you and Luke been, uh, friends?” one of Luke’s friends, Chris asked, a knowing smirk playing on his lips as he glanced between Alessandra and Luke.

Alessandra blinked, caught off guard by the question. “Oh, um, not that long, actually,” she replied, her cheeks flushing slightly as she realized the implication behind the question.

Luke chuckled, shooting his friend a playful glare. “We've known each other for a while,” he interjected smoothly, coming to Alessandra's rescue.

“Yeah, but I've never seen you bring a friend to breakfast before,” another friend, Connor, chimed in, winking at Luke in a way that made Alessandra's stomach flip.

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