- act one

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⠀⠀⠀"Give up, Moretti," Clarisse hissed, frustration lacing her voice as she pressed her blade against Alessandra's in their sparring match.

Alessandra met her opponent's gaze with a taunting gleam in her eyes, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "A fair distribution of force and weight could win you some duels against me, Clarisse," she retorted, her voice steady despite the strain of their struggle.

With a sudden twist of her body, Alessandra allowed herself and Clarisse to topple to the ground, but Alessandra didn't fall. Her movements were calculated and swift, and before Clarisse could react, Alessandra had her sword pointed at the nape of her opponent's neck, the victory clear in her stance.

"I win again," Alessandra declared triumphantly, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Clarisse could only grumble in frustration, her pride wounded by yet another defeat. "Force and skill don't always get you the win, Clarisse," Alessandra remarked, a teasing edge to her voice.

"But it will kill you if you don't get your sword away from me," Clarisse shot back, her tone sharp with irritation.

"Calm down," Alessandra laughed, offering her hand to help Clarisse up from the ground. Despite the glares being sent her way, she couldn't help but revel in the satisfaction of her victory.

"This is not over, Moretti. You only won twice in a row, there won't be a third time," Clarisse declared defiantly before turning her back on Alessandra, her demeanor a mixture of annoyance and determination.

"Are you sure about that?!" Alessandra called after her, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Clarisse replied with a backhand middle finger, her frame growing smaller with every step she took.

As Alessandra watched Clarisse's retreating figure disappear into the distance, a sense of satisfaction briefly flickered across her features before being swallowed by the overwhelming silence that surrounded her. Alone with her thoughts, she turned her gaze towards the tranquil expanse of the lake, where the setting sun painted the water in hues of gold and crimson.

But as the beauty of the scene washed over her, so too did a wave of melancholy. A heaviness settled in her chest, a familiar weight that seemed to deepen with each passing moment.

Months had slipped by since she had arrived at Camp Half-Blood, yet still, the horrors from that night continued to haunt her, day and night.

With a heavy sigh, she reluctantly tore her gaze away from the lake, steeling herself for the walk back to the Big House. Perhaps Chiron would have words of wisdom to offer, a glimmer of guidance in the darkness that threatened to consume her. And so, with each step, she trudged forward, clinging to the hope that somewhere, amidst the shadows, she would find the acceptance she so desperately sought.

The moment she walked through the doors of the Big House, she immediately went towards the door leading to Chiron's office.

"Chiron, I know that you're busy but-" Alessandra paused, noticing the presence of two figures in the room-one of Chiron and another of a tall boy. "I'm sorry," she immediately apologized, on the verge of leaving, but Chiron's voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Alessandra, how nice of you to come by," he said, offering her a warm smile.

She looked up, reopening the door before returning the centaur's smile. "I'm sorry for the intrusion."

"Ah, it's alright," he reassured her, gesturing for her to come closer.

"Alessandra, meet Luke," he motions toward the boy who was looking blankly at her. Alessandra's gaze lingered on his disheveled appearance-his clothing torn and dirtied, his face streaked with dried tears.

It was clear that he had been through some recent ordeal, though the details remained a mystery.

"Luke, Alessandra."

Chiron's voice seemed to fade in the distance. Fascinating, she thought as she further examined the state of the boy. An itching feeling of asking about what happened and how did he get here dared to escape her mouth. However, before she could inquire further, however, Luke abruptly excused himself, his demeanor tense and distant.

"Can I go now?" he asked, his tone clipped.

Chiron nodded. "Grover should be waiting for you outside," he said, dismissing the boy.

As Luke left, Alessandra couldn't shake the feeling of curiosity about him, but she knew better than to pry, especially in the presence of Chiron.

Turning her attention back to the centaur, she offered a tentative smile. "Sorry again for interrupting, Chiron. I just... needed to talk."

"Run, Alessandra. Run!"

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