well that was bumpy

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⠀⠀Years passed, the former 14 year-old daughter of Athena became one of the prominent figures in the camp, after all, having been sent to numerous missions and coming back almost unscathed does wonders to your title.

With each passing year, Alessandra had watched as the camp grew, welcoming new campers while bidding farewell to those who had fallen in battle. The loss of five of her half-siblings had weighed heavily on her heart, their absence a painful reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the safety of the camp's borders.

But Alessandra refused to let their sacrifices be in vain. With steely determination, she had trained tirelessly, honing her skills with each swing of her sword and each strategy devised. She had become a formidable opponent in the arena, her movements fluid and precise as she danced across the battleground with unmatched grace.

In the arena, swords clashed and sparks flew as campers sparred under Alessandra's watchful gaze. As Alessandra stood at the edge of the arena, her arms folded across her chest as she observed the training session with a critical eye, she was interrupted by the arrival of her good friend, Clarisse.

"Didn't know you were the type to stand by," Clarisse mused, her tone light and playful as she too watched the clash of swords with eagle-like vision.

Alessandra arched an eyebrow in mock offense, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "Just say you want to fight me, Clarisse."

Clarisse's smirk widened into a grin as she reached for a sword from one of the nearby containers, her movements fluid and confident. With a swift motion, she brandished the weapon, pointing it towards Alessandra with a challenge in her eyes.

"Bring it on, Moretti," Clarisse declared, her voice filled with anticipation as she settled into a fighting stance.

As Alessandra and Clarisse circled each other, their swords glinting in the sunlight, the tension in the arena crackled with anticipation. With each step, Alessandra studied her opponent, analyzing her movements with a keen eye.

With a sudden burst of speed, Clarisse lunged forward, her blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. Alessandra deftly sidestepped the attack, her own sword meeting Clarisse's with a resounding clash.

Their swords danced in a flurry of strikes and parries, each movement calculated and precise. Alessandra moved with fluid grace, her footwork nimble and her strikes controlled. Each movement was calculated, each step measured, as she sought to anticipate her opponent's next move.

The metallic echoes reverberated through the arena, mingling with the cheers and shouts of the onlookers. Almost all of the prior battles had stopped just to see both of them fight.

Clarisse, meanwhile, fought with raw power, her strikes fueled by the fiery intensity of her spirit. She lunged and feinted with expert skill, her movements swift and agile as she sought to outmaneuver her opponent.

The battle raged on, each clash of steel sending sparks flying in all directions. Alessandra and Clarisse were evenly matched, their skills pushing them to their limits.

Alessandra met her head-on, their swords locking in a fierce struggle as they battled for dominance.

With a sudden surge of strength, Clarisse forced Alessandra back, driving her towards the edge of the arena. Just as it seemed like Alessandra was about to lose her footing, she executed a daring maneuver, spinning away from Clarisse's blade and delivering a swift kick to her opponent's chest.

Clarisse stumbled backward, caught off guard by Alessandra's unexpected move.

Alessandra was going to win.

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