Chapter 15: Quality Time

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In your designated office within the hotel, you scribble furiously on the paperwork pertaining to the hotel's finances. As you work, muttered curses escape your lips, directed at the smug and grinning radio demon that haunts your thoughts.

"Nobody fucking loves him. A serial fucking killer who has no sense of style. A piece of shit!" you whisper harshly, adjusting your faux reading glasses with an angry glare. You don't have a shit eyesight but you look hot wearing this shit so stfu.

"Here you go again, being a sore loser~" Yami materialized in front of you, taking on the form of a naked male version of yourself. He leaned dramatically on your desk, but you promptly shoved him away, sending him crashing to the ground with a thud.

"Get some clothes on!" you hissed, but he only grinned in response. To aggravate you further, he settled comfortably on the ground, spreading his legs and exposing his private parts.

You shot him an annoyed and disgusted look.

"I feel comfortable this way so no thank you~" He cooed and you rolled your eyes. You take a deep breath before going back to your work and try to ignore him.

His grin grew wider at this and snap his fingers. Gold smoke covered his form before fading away. He stood up and leaned at your swivel chair as he watched you work. 

"You know what could calm you down?" He hummed as he started playing with your hair.

"What?" You asked without looking at him. He grins as he grasps both of your cheeks and leans his face into yours. 

"A good hot sex!" He beamed excitedly and you released a disgusted noise. You're not a prude but you're not in the mood to have one. You pull his hands away from your face and go back to your paperwork. 

"No. Try again." You monotonously replied and he hummed in thought. Caressing his chin on thought.

"Hm, that took me by surprise. Oh well, it seems it's been quite a while since we really connected, hasn't it, (Y/N)? It's almost as if I'm beginning to lose sight of who you are!" He chuckles softly before his expression shifts to a more serious demeanor as he locks eyes with you.

"And that isn't good. Yes. It isn't." He slammed his hand on top of your hands and your eyebrows furrowed. You let a lazy smirk creep on your lips.

"I don't know what you are talking about." You cooly stated and his jaw tightened. The veins on his neck are too visible now.

"You think I wouldn't notice? You've been shutting me down lately. You're hiding something from me." He uttered coldly and you looked at him, feigning ignorance.

"Whatever do you mean, Yami? We are one, remember? I can't do such a thing." You grin and he growls.

"Liar," he accused, his tone sharp. "The last time you pulled a stunt like this, you put yourself into Eternal fucking Sleep. I won't stand by and watch you repeat that mistake." His warning was met with a nonchalant hum from you, unfazed by his concern.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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