Chapter 3: Valentino

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You hummed a happy tune as you and Makiana walked toward the Porn studio. You were interested in seeing this... creature. You were curious about why someone who sounded so weak could become an overlord.

Based on Makiana's stories, a certain RADIO DEMON killed the old folks while you were gone and made an easy way for weaklings such as this... moth to get the title. How absurd yet amusing. Still, very absurd. It kinda hurt your pride. Why did Carmilla and Zestial allow this nonsense to happen?

"Makiana." A demoness, with evident disdain, greeted Makiana as soon as you stood before the studio's entrance.

"Slut. We're here for Valentino," Maki hissed and glared back at the demoness. She huffed and looked at the paper in her hands. VIP was written on top of it, as you noticed. The sinner smirked smugly at Makiana.

"You are not on the VIP list, so fuck off~!" The sinner taunted. Makiana couldn't take it and tried to jump on the bitch but was held back when you grabbed her collar from the back of your head.

The sinner finally noticed your presence. She looked at you up and down, and colors drained from her face as she recognized that face. Women like her would certainly know that face instantly!

"S-storm demon!" She gasped and fainted in fear and adoration. You raised an eyebrow with a grin on your lips. Now, that's amusing. How fun.

The people around you looked at you immediately and slowly recognized you. Let's just say this part of the city certainly was not afraid of you. They crowded you and asked for a photograph and signature. You eyed all of them in distaste.

What. an. actual. fuck.

"Hey, you are shoving me- (Y/N)!" Makiana called out as your fans started pushing her further away from you.

You sighed and rolled your eyes, using your demonic presence to create a small opening in the crowd. Makiana slipped through the gap and joined you.

"Ugh, these pests," you muttered under your breath as you approached the entrance. The bouncer demons guarding the studio recognized you and immediately stepped aside, allowing you both to enter without any further hindrance.

"What's with that, Makiana? Why on earth are those fools so infatuated with me? Ugh!" You recoiled, attempting to wipe their unwanted touches from your skin. Despite her earlier annoyance, Maki chuckled.

"Bitch, you're famous! You were an icon before and with that face? Girl, they're idiots not to appreciate that perfect visage!" Makiana grinned and playfully pulled your cheeks. You forcefully removed her hands from your face.

"Don't contaminate my face with your dirty hands." Makiana rolled her eyes and hummed.

"And~ you're one of the top girls, bitch. You're an idol for girls like me, and men? You're their ideal woman." Maki grinned wickedly, and you looked at her in disgust.

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