Chapter 4: Happy Hotel

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Today, you are currently in front of an establishment. A tacky-looking hotel was right in front of you as you stood on their doorstep. 

A nervous Makiana stood beside you.

"U-uhh... on the second thought, let's just leave!" Not looking away at the door, you grab Makiana from the back of her collar. You leaned into her face as she morphed into her puppy form. Her eyes swelled.

"You have all your chances to change your mind as we make our way in here, Makiana. You have no right to back down now." You grinned wickedly at her and she sniffled.

"I'm fucking nervous!" She exclaimed as she whimpered in your hold. You rolled your eyes at her antics and put her to the ground.

You knock on the door twice and wait for someone to answer. As you stand there, you contemplate how you'll react when meeting his child. Although you've observed the girl from a distance, you've never approached her, preferring to maintain a discreet watch.

This reflection takes you back to a time when you were still new to hell, just beginning to establish power across the pride city. There were moments when thoughts of harming his family crossed your mind. It's undeniable that you hold your brother responsible for much of what has transpired in your life.

However, you made a promise. Holding the girl responsible for her father's sins would be unjust, even for a fallen being like yourself.

The door was slowly opened as your smile strained at the right of a blonde-paled girl in front of you with rosy red cheeks. She looks like a marionette but is beautiful. 

This is it. It's showtime.

"Hello, darling. My name is (Y/N), and my young friend here wants to-" SLAM.

"- join your..." Your right gloved hand clenched into a fist as you took a deep breath, your eyes narrowing. Now, that's a way to greet your aunt! Patience, (Y/N), patience. Calm yourself.

She's probably just confused and surprised! It's not every day you meet a powerful demon, HAHHAHAHAhahaha.

You try to knock on the door once again, but before your fist can touch the door, it is once again opened, and the young princess looks at you with disbelief and in great denial.

You give her a feigned bright grin and open your mouth as you look down at her height once again.

"Like I said, we-" SLAM.

You release a shaky deep breath as your grin turns into a strained one. Makiana grew incredibly nervous and laughed awkwardly.

She'd shut the door in your FACE... TWICE! That disrespectful, cocky little-!

"Maybe we should go back. I don't think they want visitors today," Makiana stated nervously as she looked at your twitching smile.

Surprisingly, the door is once again opened, and the Princess crosses her hands under her chest as she tries her best not to show any fear before you. You take a deep breath once again.

"Are you done slamming the door in my face, dear?" You try to sound as warm as possible despite the boiling irritation within you.

"Y-yes!" She exclaimed with feigned confidence as she looked at you with a nervous gaze yet a high chin. Maki facepalmed. Is this the place that will help her be redeemed? They will not last long with such an attitude!

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