Chapter 14: Sir Pentious

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After your heartfelt conversation with Vaggie, the two of you decided it's best to keep your angelic past, as well as Vaggie's, under wraps for now. It doesn't seem like the right time to divulge such information to Charlie and the other residents of the hotel, does it?

But then there's the lingering question... What about Lucifer Fucking Morningstar? Could it be possible that if your father and seemingly everyone else in the entire universe have forgotten about your existence, Lucifer might have as well? You're not entirely sure.

But there's a part of you that wishes that he still remembered you. Even just him. But of course, you are too prideful and too hateful to fucking admit that. 

You hate him, you hate him, you hate him, you hate him, you hate him, you hate him, you hate him, you hate him, you hate him, you hate him, you hate him, you hate him... right?

You don't.

Shut up, Yami. No one is asking you.

"So... are you okay now?" Makiana asked, and you grinned, albeit a bit forcedly. Of course, she's too naive to have a clue about what's really going on.

"Absolutely! Why wouldn't I be, right, Vaggie?" you said, shooting a desperate grin towards the girl.

"Y-yeah! Everything's fine with (Y/N). She's just, umm... surprised to hear that Charlie's Dad will be visiting our hotel!" Vaggie chimed in, sending Charlie a nervous grin, hoping to divert her attention. Makiana looked so confused and curious. The two of you have gotten much closer... what the fuck is going on?

"Exactly! That's all," you hummed, clasping your hands behind your back.

"But Makiana mentioned something about your past and my Dad..." Charlie started, and you and Vaggie internally panicked. You shot Makiana a glare, still wearing your strained grin.

Makiana chuckled nervously. Oh, shit.

This big-mouthed little shit...

You eyed the Princess and summoned the brightest grin you could manage. Chuckling amusingly, you approached her and stood beside Vaggie in front of her.

"Oh, Charlie. Makiana is just fooling around! There's absolutely no possible connection between my past and your father. I haven't even met him once in this lifetime!" you exclaimed, beaming, though Vaggie shot you a worried look. That lie might have been a bit too much.

Sending Makiana a warning glare, you let a hint of danger flicker in your eyes. She swallowed hard, sensing the gravity of your gaze. It had been a while since you looked at her like that, and she wasn't foolish enough to ignore it—a look akin to that of a predator.

"Y-yes! I may have exaggerated my story a bit. Sorry, guys!" Makiana forced a grin, and you hummed, satisfied.

"See? Nothing to worry about at all," you said, smiling at Charlie, who hesitantly nodded.

"Oh-ho! Did I miss something fun this morning, hmm?" A shadowy arm extended through your shoulder, and you found yourself glaring at the familiar deer demon, who was getting a bit too comfortable and touchy for your liking.

"None at all, Alastor," you forced a friendly grin at the grinning red abomination beside you, not wanting to worry Charlie.

Alastor beamed at this. It was always amusing to see you trying so hard to compose yourself in front of the little princess.

Charlie seemed to have forgotten about your strange exchange regarding your past and beamed at your and Alastor's apparent friendship.

From her perspective, the two of you were finally getting along, while from your and Alastor's perspective, the two of you were ready to pounce at each other's throats.

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