Unexpected visit..? Chapter 9..

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This chapter was powered by MrBeast bars and Lady Gaga... and I did this in the middle of the night.. and this is gonna be more of a filler chapter the next chapter I promise you will have a lot more stuff going on than this.. ohyeahhh in joy Pookie-butts

I stared at Mysterion. My eyebrows rose up when he called me that. I mean, he only saw me in that costume once, and he denied me...
I gulped and nodded my head

"Well, it's nice to see you, I guess...how have you been holding up since the...meeting?"
Mysterion said as he climbed off of the tree and into my windowsill, he sat there as if he owned the place and he stared around in my room, and then back at my desk and raise a eyebrow at my phone. "say, who are you texting?"

"Oh.. I am not texting anyone. Actually, I'm just looking through...junk mail..but I'm fine"  I responded and closed my phone and put it in my pocket.. but my hands were trembling as I did this...

Mysterion noticed this and leaned a bit closer to me and pointed out
"Hey bud, are you OK? You're trembling quite a bit ..."
I started to lean back, really not wanting Mysterion close to me at all. I'm really not liking this situation. What if he finds out who I am besides just this firefly BS... I shuttered at the thought...
" I'm perfectly fine... but why are you here?"
I said, in a more bitter tone that I meant to use
Mysterion looked back at me and sighed...
"I'm just curious.."

"Well, with you being curious, you just committed a damn crime." I glared and suddenly felt like all my fear just evaporated. I just wanted to get him out of here..

"Well, then..." Mysterion started to lean back away from me.. "I guess I should get going... well uhm.." Mysterion grumbled something and then leaked off of my windowsill onto the ground.
I looked back at the window and just closed it and locked it in case and went back onto my phone and noticed a new text messages from butters.
Did he leave??
Are you okay?
Y/n..you worrying me right now...
Y/n??? :(
A soft smile filled my face when I read these.. and I began to text back..
Y/n: I'm ok.. don't worry about it he didn't really suspect much.. but different things.. what's our plan for this weekend?

Well, we kind of crossed off anything to do with school related .. But some of my other plans are more close to disturbing the freedom pals.. but I don't think you're ready for any of that.. :Butters
Y/n: I think I can handle it..

Gosh... well let's wait at least a week to do this though? We could do some small stuff...:butters

Y/n: whatever you say dude.
Just text me when you need something.
I put my phone on the charger and began to walk around my room trying to figure out something else to use to put money in literally anything that I get from my little villainess excursions... And I just decided to plan..

let's just steal something.. I don't wanna spend my damn money..

so I walked over to my bed, where it had my misfit costume tossed on make sure my mask fit me just right, and walked up to my window the same one where Mysterion was just at I looked through it to make sure the new Kid or Mysterion wasn't there and then began to climb out of it and down onto the ground... But as I climbed down, I heard yelling from the first floor of my house. It was both my parents already getting into an argument... I didn't bother to listen, so I just snuck past my house and roamed the streets until I was into town.

I want the streets until I found one of the secondhand shops called sloppy 2nds.. I chuckled slightly

"What a epic name for a thrift store dude"
I began to walk in, and the man inside greeted me and then went back onto his phone. I huffed, and then walked through the store until I found the aisle that had handbags satchels and a couple briefcases...

I found one the satchels it wasn't really special, but it was a cool gray color, brown straps, and slightly rusted buckles.. I decided this one was the one it was big enough to hold many things and it has so many pockets! Gosh just thinking of what I'll put in here..

I quickly snatched the satchel and hid it somewhere on my person.. and roamed the store as if I did nothing I decided to grab at least one thing and get it so I didn't seem to be suspicious.. it was a T-shirt. I had some random band on it. It appeared to be my size, so I walked over to the cashier, tossed it on the register, and began to pay for it.

I walked out of the store, holding onto this new T-shirt. I began to run the streets to see if I could do anything else. I noticed a couple parking meters I haven't broke so I broke them and took the change out of them and kicked around some of the packages that were near some of the business buildings, but then I noticed the freedom pals.. and new kid?

They were all standing in front of the police station. Looks like they were having a pretty deep conversation about something the only thing that ran through my head. Why are they at the police station and should I approach them?

Should I? Should I really do it??

(Heheh :3)

𝐈𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐞 𝐎𝐍𝐄. South Park x Male reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt