Ass beater1000. Chapter 2

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After I read the note, I feel like all of this is my fault. I continued crying into my hands until I eventually fell asleep.

my eyes opened at the sound of my alarm clock beeping, I slapped my hand over the alarm clock over and over, until it finally shut off, I sit up in my bed picking up the note and the triangle folded flag putting them on my desk.

I walked over to my closet and changed into different clothes, still wearing my brothers dog tags, I looked at the time it is. "I'm about to miss the bus." I thought

I ran downstairs shoving everything in my backpack then ran into the kitchen grabbing a granola bar ripping the wrapper off, and shoving it in my mouth as I was putting on my shoes and my jacket on as I'm running out of the house, trying to get to the bus stop at time.

I did get to the bus stop, I saw the same four Boys that were always there: Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny, standing in their usual spots Kyle and Cartman already got in a fight, then they started talking about their superhero stuff Cartman making fun of Kyle because he's just a kite.

I sigh as I stood the furthest away from the sign, not trying to get anywhere near those four but eventually Kenny walked over towards me.

he smiled through his parka and waved towards me I gave him a fake smile and waved back "Heyyyy y/n! How are you??" He said slightly muffled through his parka I continued smiling at him and answered "I'm good" Kenny gave me a skeptical look when he saw the dog tags on my neck but before he was able to say anything the bus arrived.

I practically ran to get on that bus I just shoved Cartman out of the way so that I can get on first. I ran towards the middle center and got the window seat. I slammed my backpack down on the ground but then I heard someone else sat right beside me, I looked up to see who it was and it was Kenny.

I mentally groaned I continued staring out of the window until Kenny tapped my shoulder and gave me a worried look as he continued staring at the dog tags "did something happened to your brother..?" I stared at Kenny "I think this might've been one of the first times someone actually might've cared for me that wasn't my brother" I continued staring at him.

we just blinked at each other, I didn't even bother talking right now so I just nodded my head yes and continued staring at the window. I continued staring until I saw our school and then the bus stopped everyone started getting off after Kenny got off I went behind him.

then everyone rushed inside the school I walked towards my locker and tossed all my stuff in there and only grabbed my pencil and book that I needed for my class. I started walking towards Mr. Garrison's class and sat down in my usual seat, I started randomly drawing tiny doodles of me as firefly but after two of these drawings I scribbled them out and ripped out the page and just put it in my pocket close my book shut.

waiting for Mr. Garrison to come in the class. I watched everyone else get settled down into their seats, everyone started talking with their friends or partners or whatever.

I just stared blankly at the board, tapping my finger is on the desk. then I looked down at my brothers dog tags fiddling with them until I heard Mr. Garrison noxious voice outside the door and I saw him open the door coming out.

I absolutely did not even bother to listen to what he saying right now but I did also hear a lot of whispering behind me. I turned my head slightly so that I could see who's behind me and the person right behind me is...Eric Cartman then the person that's on the right side of him was Stan then the person on the left side was Kyle.

Stan was whispering something to Cartman. I couldn't figure out what it was. So I turned back and gave Mr. Garrison my focus but in the middle of class I heard Cartman trying to call my name quietly and when I didn't turn my head, he started tapping my shoulder rapidly.

𝐈𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐞 𝐎𝐍𝐄. South Park x Male reader Where stories live. Discover now