Now things are getting FUN Chapter 4

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Butters soon let go with me and stared at me with a proudfull smile and then he asked me " do you wanna be my partner in crime?" I stared back at him and smiled I simply not in my head from me doing this action caused butters to jump happily around in a circle then I asked " well what do you want to do since were partners in crime?"

Butters stopped jumping and stared at me for a minute then he ran into one of the storage units, I followed him into it, and it was pretty full with has like computer hardware, a fridge, had dogs wearing bat wings, and Fish why is there Fish here?

but besides that, you continued watching butters as he rummaged through drawers. I saw several blue pieces of paper that must be his master plans, he ran towards a table and placed each one of the papers down neatly.

"so which one of my plans do you wanna do?" Butters asked me as he moved out of the way so I could see all of his plans. One did catch my eye, it was burning the school down. I chose this one "hey professor, can we do this one?"  Butters looked closely at the paper examining it and nodded " wanna meet up at the school at midnight? Or do you just wanna come over here and we'll go over there together?" he asked

I thought for a while "hum I think it would be better if we go together but I have to go grab some things"
Butters looked up at me and smiled then we went our separate ways I started getting ready for burning down the school.


I watched as Y/N left my storage area, not long after that I called general disarray and told him to start packing up some of the red Legos. I checked the time and right now it is 6 PM.

'I don't really know what I'm gonna do for six whole hours but I'm gonna do something..' I walked to the very back of the room and looked at the wall of people I'm guessing who could be Mysterion.

I took down the picture of Y/N and put it in my pocket. I continue theorizing who could Mysterion be. I crossed off Cartman, jimmy, and Timmy and also token.

so practically it could be any of the standard white kids. I eventually crossed off Clyde and Kyle assuming they are not Mysterion but I was about to cross off another person until general disarray told me he was done packing all the Legos.

I turned back to him and thanked him then I took the boxes of Legos and put them in my dad's car. I checked the time once again it is now it's ten but I saw a notification from Y/N telling me to pick him up so I got in the car and started it and left the U Stor It, making my way to Y/n's house.

once I got there I saw him standing outside of his house wearing his misfit costume and he was holding four gas cans to each hand and they weren't tiny gas cans they were large I'm talking about like monster truck gas.

I saw him walk around to the back of the car, and open the trunk to put the four gas cans in there. then he ran up to shotgun and sat in the passenger seat right next to me " hey butters" I heard Y/n say "hello y/n why is there gas cans in my car??" I asked politely he give me a crazy look that was also looked like he was confused but he didn't answer me he just stared directly out of the window.

I put the car in reverse and started driving around town until it was midnight. we did go out to eat, we went to CityWok and got some city beef.

I started driving up to the school, nobody's in the school at this time so perfect chance to cover the whole entire school with Lava. I put the car in park as I got out of the car Y/n did the same to I went to the trunk and opened it and put the gas cans down on the side not knowing what to do with them.

I picked up a box of lava walked up towards the doors of the school and open them, surprisingly they were unlocked so then I just kick the door open and started pouring Legos but not that far from me I heard the doors open once again I looked behind me and I saw a Y/N he was carrying one of the giant gas cans and started pouring some sort of liquid everywhere and I mean nowhere was untouched except a small pathway for us to get out.

I started clearing more and more of the boxes of Legos, I was in my car and Y/N, he continued pouring Whatever was in those gas cans but eventually I may end up to say "uhm Y/n what's in those gas cans?" I'm not being stupid I just really hope it's not what I think it is.

He looked up at me and smiled as he said " gasoline isn't that obvious are we burning down the school dude?" Oh shit I didn't mean like actually BURNING down the school like I meant by covering it in red Legos. so then none of the superheroes could get anywhere inside the school but before I could say anything less he pulled me outside as he continued making a small trail of gasoline outside.

I just stood there dumbfounded as I stared at the school building. then I turned my head towards him and he held a box of matches, then he looked up towards me and said "Are you ready for this?"

I continued staring at him. seeing a slightly wicked smile creep across his face, and I see could that he's panting like crazy, he reminds me of a dog when you take it to the beach..

I didn't move my head but he still lit match and threw it down on the ground and watched as the trail of fire quickly ran up towards the school, and then school went a blaze. I turn back to look back at Y/N, he held his hands closely knit together as he stared at the fire consuming our school.

then he looked towards me and with a slight pout he said " I should've brought marshmallows so then we can make s'mores" I gave him a slight smile at the word s'mores, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and brought me closer to him. 

I continued staring at him as he watched the fire with him manacle smile honestly it looks like he's about to burst out in laughter.

this wasn't him a couple days ago. Did I possibly do something wrong?

The next day 3rd pov

" looks like tragedy strikes South Park. the South Park high school has been burnt down, suspects are still unknown. the only things that were left at the crime scene were, piles of melted Lego and tire tracks, the crime was committed proximately at last night at 1 AM in the morning.

when no students or faculty were in the building if these criminals are caught they will have to do some time for arson and now with a midget in a bikini showing off a new ice cream place in town-"

The TV cuts out from being turned off by Mysterion "See guys I wasn't being suspicious I remember that night I was out on patrol and I found a broken ATM in the next day after that I found another one and broken parking meters every single one in town was broken. now the schools burnt down and I don't think it's Professor Chaos this time, I think it's someone new, guys." Mysterion said as he stared at the four boys sitting at a table.

Wonder Tweak started pulling out his hair started doing his screaming match with his head, Tupperware and Toolshed thought in unison.

Dr Timothy rolled up next to Mysterion and said using his mind "it's a great thing that you do go out on patrol every night Mysterion but do you have any leads of who you think it is?"

Mysterion shook his head no but then he straightened his posture and looked Dr. Timothy in the eyes and said " i'm gonna go try to go on patrol earlier and stay out later so I could hopefully try to catch this villain." Dr. Timothy agreed with this and Mysterion went on his way. as Mysterion left the freedom pals base he mumbled

"this is going to be 'fun'"

𝐈𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐞 𝐎𝐍𝐄. South Park x Male reader Where stories live. Discover now