There's a brawl at raisins!Chaper 5

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Mysterion's POV

I left tokens house, and looked down at my watch, the time is 7:49. this should be time for me to start going out on patrol if I'm going to start early.

I ran down the sidewalk and jumped up on the construction site, I continued running and jumping through the area. until I got around to the middle of town, only a couple people were still out.

nobody really stood out of the crowd, nobody wearing any goofy costumes or look criminal at all. I hopped on top of Freemans tacos, I continued watching down at the civilians walking into different stores and out of them. until I saw a pair of two people wearing costumes, one of them I recognized as professor chaos.

The other one, I did not know of. he must be new, he must be professor chaos new colleague or sidekick, minion or some shit but this new guy does seem pretty suspicious maybe I should take him into the base and get him interrogated but let's watch him for a bit, so I can fully make sure.

I continued watching as the two went through the alley, I continued walking on top of different buildings following them from above. until the two approached raisins who's going to raisins at eight? It doesn't matter.

I continued staring down at the two boys as they entered the restaurant, I hopped down from the building and got closely to window still hiding into a bush that was on the side of the building.

watching them to get seated I watched as Professor Chaos opened his mouth and look like he was talking. 'God dammit I need to learn how to lip read'

I groaned as I got up from the bush and entered raisins I looked down and saw Mercedes " welcome to raisins just one of you today?" She said as she held a menu her hand and whipped her bangs out of her face.

I nodded and she looked down at her nails and said "we'll come right over here, cutie" she started walking towards a table, I quickly ran up beside her and quietly asked and pointed to a table "can I sit closer to them? I'll tip extra" suddenly with me saying me tipping extra peaked her interest, she turned towards me and whispered in my ear "20" I looked down at her and said back "10" then she gave me a disgusted look and then she said "15 or nothing"

I shook my head in agreement she put her hand out and I shook it and then she wiped her hand on her shorts and then I sat right behind professor chaos, I was able to hear their full conversation but then a waitress came by

"heyy cutie what can I get for you today?" I looked down at the menu quickly and said the first two things that I saw "I would like to get mozzarella sticks and a sweet tea" I gave my menu to her and then she wrote down those two items quickly and then she walked away then I turn my attention back to the two boys

(B)=butters (Y)=y/n

(B)"Dude what was up with you yesterday? it's like you changed.."
(Y)"I didn't change I'm still me professor."
(B)"Next time we go do something let's not do anything crazy."
(Y)"Mmhmm ok sir."

That other kids voice sounds so familiar.. I can't just put my finger on it it's on the tip of my tongue..

(B)"D-D-Don't call me sir p-please.."
(Y)"Ok uhm what are we doing tonight."
(B)"Well Misfit I planned to do-"

This got my attention, I got up and turned to face them. I saw the kid named 'Misfit' he looked joyed to see me but Professor Chaos on the other hand looked quite frightful once he saw me.

I continue staring down at the two boys and then I said " i'm sorry to cut your dinner in half but you two will have to come with me." And not long misfit came and said "why should we go with you?" Butters gave the boy a frightful glare but misfit still crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at me not impressed.

I excelled from my nose as I cracked my knuckles "or we can do this the hard way.." butters put his hands up in surrender and shook his Head no but his colleague on the other hand sat  up from his chair got up and faced me "you can try but your not going to get far."

Butters almost had a conniption fit. he threw his chair back and pulled his colleague to the side "ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE? YOU HAVE BEEN A VILLAIN FOR FOUR DAYS AND NOW YOUR TRYING TO FIGHT MYSTERION?!!??YOUR GOING TO DIE DUDE.."

Wow. looks like he must care for him? But the boy misfit padded Professor chaos on the shoulder and then walked back to me and got up in a fighting stance "if you defeat me you could take me and Professor Chaos to wherever.." The boy named misfit said as he rolled up his sleeves, I nodded in agreement and got in a fighting stance too.

I didn't even knowledge that we were still in raisins. misfit took the first swing, I dodged it and swung back trying to hit him in his jaw but then he ducked and socked me in the stomach, this kid fights dirty.

I place the single hand on where he punched, I was able to swing back as he got up from his ducking position and was able to hit him in the jaw he rubbed his jaw and then he swung back at me and I got hit in the nose, I hit him in the stomach.

I watched him get thrown backwards onto a table he slowly got up from the blown held his stomach then he looked back up at me and smiled then he walked back up and swung for my stomach same amount of force as I did.

I landed on a table, I heard something pop. groaned as I grabbed my stomach but I got up from the table. I have to continue to fight I'm gonna just pussy out.

we continued swinging at each other until we both looked beaten up and bloodied, the two of us just stared at each other, we continued going at vital spots such as throats, stomachs, and groin but then after a while I started spitting up blood look like he was doing the same too.

looks like we might kill each other in this fight. we both stare at each other one more time and we put our hands up and surrender, I watched as Professor Chaos ran to misfit's aid, professor chaos slung his arm around misfit's shoulder and carried him out of raisins.

I paid for my bill and gave Mercedes her $15 tip, I started walking out of raisins myself. my hands still gripped on my stomach.

'I feel so weak right now I should try to go back to the base' I thought as I walked for what felt like years, I stared at my shoes as they moved forward.

my vision start blurred, I shook my head and closed my eyes, my vision returned to normal but then soon my stomach knotted then I started vomiting on the sidewalk, I wiped my face as I continued making my way to token's house.

I got closer with each step and I saw his Stone fence so I picked up my pace a little but then I stopped, my chest hurts so bad but I continued pushing through it and then once I got to his door Rang the doorbell but I blacked out.

Y/n's pov :> (ur gonna die bitch..)

I can't believe I just fought Mysterion not gonna lie it was pretty fun but looks like there's always consequences when there's something fun.

after that fight when butters pulled me out of raisins I was so out of breath and my chest hurts, I feel weak.. honestly right now I feel like shit, I stared at butters as he dragged me down the street giving me a piece of his mind he constantly yelled at me for doing that, he told me that I was crazy.

honestly I found it very cute how he was just so how should I put this..

He cared for me

Butters continue dragging me until we finally reached his house. right now I'm just so tired, my stomach feels so weird.." like you know that feeling when you drink too much water and you could feel the water slush in your stomach that's what it feels like" I thought

butters threw me onto his couch and then he threw pillows and blankets on top of me, he continued yelling at me, right now it's just random nonsense but these blankets are so soft and warm.

I could just fall asleep right now, I close my eyes and laid my head onto his pillow and fell asleep and didn't wake up

What a brawl today

𝐈𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐞 𝐎𝐍𝐄. South Park x Male reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang