"i suggest you run RUN!"

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3rd person POV 

Samuela was in her bedroom getting dressed, boxes were laid out all around her room “Sam?” Sam turned to fine Hannah standing at the door “yeah” she said fixing her hair “you don't have to leave, Gabrielle's dad is just being a d*ck” Hannah was trying her best to keep all of them together. 

“Don't worry about me Hannah” Samuela turned and her eyes caught Isabella's “you have Isabella to worry about” Samuela said taking up her bag, she looked at herself one late time, she chosen to wear a purple cropped hoodie and black leggings and white sneakers, she sighed before walking past Hannah. 

Samuela puts in her ear pads and plays some music. Sam decided she was going to leave after Gabrielle's dad got upset with her and she didn't want any drama in her life at the moment. Walking down the streets listening to music was calm and peaceful. “Hi, Sam,” a man asked, tapping on Sam's shoulder. She looked up to see “Mark?” Sam asked, surprised.

“Yeah, nice to see you” he said and held out his hands for a hug which Sam was unsure, but hugged him anyway. “Sorry about what happened to you and your friends” he said “no it's alright we're fine” Sam said, “are you sure?” Sam wanted to be alone “yes fine perfectly fine, see you around” with that she walked off. 

“Here” Hannah said handing Isabella some juice, “thanks mommy” with that Isabella ran off to the tv room straight on her iPad, “where's Samuela?” Gabrielle asked, she just woken up “I don't know, all I know she started packing” Hannah said pointing towards her room Gabrielle turned and let out a sigh “there's a killer on the loose and she's thinking about moving” Gabrielle rubbed her forehead annoyed.

“She will be fine” Hannah said reassuring “I want to believe that” Gabrielle said worried “what do you mean?” “she is easily angered, she just walks herself into danger” Gabrielle said her glaze went over to Hannah. “Is everything alright with her?” Gabrielle asked, Hannah followed her glazed “yeah” Hannah said with a light smile.

Harmony just entered a small apartment complex, “hi” she said to a man, he his a security guard he was in a little office “hello, how can I help you?” he said “I was wondering, are there any rooms for rent” Harmony asked her eyes started to looked around, the place was old yes, but it be good enough “umm, actually yes” he said with a friendly smile “ok that's great can I get a contact for the owner” she asked.

“No problem” he took out a piece of paper and wrote the owner's number and handed it to Sam “thank you” she said the guy nodded and Sam walked out of the building. She turned and looked back at the building one more time “Help!!” she heard someone scream. She looked in the direction of the screaming unsure of what she heard “help”, she quickly ran towards the sound.

“Heyy!” Sam yelled as she saw someone on top of a man stabbing him, the person who was wearing full black and a mask held up the knife to Sam “I will call police” Sam yelled. The person looked down at the man who was bleeding out then at Sam “I suggest you run, RUN!” Sam yelled and the killer ran off. Sam quickly went over to the man “hey hey, you're going to be ok, ok stay with me” then she called the police.

“911, what's your emergency?” The lady over the phone asked “umm, a man just had been stabbed” Sam said she puts the phone on speaker and covers the man's wounds “I'm covering his wounds you're on speaker” she yells “what's your location?” the lady asked “ummm, I think umm Western ummm I dont know, can't you just trace the number?” Sam asked “mama is there anything you can use to tell your whereabouts?” the dispatch asked.

Typing out information “no, oh wait I'm next to an old apartment building called KN complex” Sam said “ok mama we be right with you” the lady continued to type then told officers about the incident. “My wife and my daughter” the man tried to get up “hey, shhhhh you be alright, cops are on their way” Sam said “my wife, my daughter keep them safe” he said “shhh, calm down where are they?” Sam asked “inside the apartment room 13” he said then passed out.

“Hey mama, step aside” a cop said as he pulled me off the man Sam looked at her hands covered with blood, “his wife his children” Sam whispered then ran towards the apartment “hey” a cop called out running after her but she paid him no mine. Sam ran up the stairs straight to room 13. She knocked at the door breathless “hey, you need to come back downstairs” the cop demanded.

But Sam ignored him, she realized the door was open. She pushed the door open and saw a horrifying scene “ahhhh” Sam yelled and the cop held her as he looked inside the apartment. The man's wife cut up and her throat spit tied to a chair. Sam was screaming in the cops hands then “his daughter” she said then jumped out of the cops hand started to look around the apartment.

Sam saw a lock door and burst open it “hey” she said as she saw a little girl crying “you alright?” Sam asked, with tears in her eyes “mommy” the little girl said and pointed to the direction of her mother “mommy's ok, she's alright” Sam lied trying not to cry. Sam hugged the little girl and after a while the cop came in with a paramedic. 

“Hey, come with me” he told Sam, she let go of the girl “this lovely man right hers is going to make sure you're alright ok?” The little girl nodded and Sam smiled and kissed her forehead. Sam followed the cop outside of the apartment complex and to a seat, he got her water and asked her if she was hurt to which she said no. “I'm officer James Smith, I would like to ask you some questions,” he said, taking out his notepad.

“N-no problems” Sam stuttered “can you walk me through what happened today when you saw the body?”  Cop asked “yeah, ummm I was here looking for an apartment to rent, then when I get the contact for the owner, I step out of the building” Sam started to get flashes as she speaks “then I heard a scream, at first I wasn't sure, then I heard it again so I walked toward the sound” a teardrop fell from Sam's eyes. 

“Then I saw someone in full black over him stabbing him, just” then sam made the hand motion of a stab “and I said ‘hey’ the person looked up at me stood up and held up the knife ‘i call the police’ I said they looked at the man then at me, I could tell it was there first time killing, ‘I suggest you run run’ I yelled, they ran off and I called the police, he told me about his wife and daughter while we were waiting for you guys” she explained in tears. 

“So did you let them run cause you know it is there first time killing?” The cop asked “no, I told them to run cause I didn't want them to kill me” Sam yelled “ok mama calm down” the office said “we get back to you” “no, I'm leaving” Sam said. “Mama no” the officer said trying to stop her “yes I'm not a suspect I'm a witness, and I just gave you a statement if you don't believe look at the security tapes, are asked the man when he wakes up” With that she push past him and out the building.

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