Trip to the cabin

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"Are you guys ready?" Gabrielle asked, standing at the door waiting for me and Hannah. I quickly got my bags and went up to Gabrielle "Hannah" Gabrielle shouted "I'm coming calm down" she said Isabella ran around the corner, Hannah followed "ok get everything?" Gabrielle asked "yeah" "yup" me and Hannah said.

We walked out of the compass and placed our things in a car Gabrielle rented to drive to California "so didn't your dad get you a car?" Hannah asked "yeah but I have to pass this semester to get it" she said I was sitting in the back seat scrolling through my phone.

Gabrielle looked through rear view mirror
And said "so, Sam" I didn't answer "Sam" she continued to say "Samuela" she shouted then I looked up from my phone confused "yeah" I said quickly "what are you looking at that's so important?" She asked "maybe, a website on how to have respect for people's relationship" Hannah whispered but I heard "I was looking at how Nick aka, the so-called boyfriend just got engaged" I said and showed them the phone.

"That's fake" Hannah said and gave me back my phone, Isabella was sleeping throughout the whole of this conversation.
We pulled up to a gas station "ok someone stay in the car" Gabrielle said and got out "I watch Isabella" I said Hannah was hesitant but got out and walked into the gas station behind Gabrielle.

I looked over at Isabella who was still sleeping, I opened my bag and took out my laptop. I opened it up and searched up for news that happened in my hometown. On the news site I read that a man was killed after he had broken in a house and raped a little girl few days before is murder and the girls mom and dad were brought in for questioning. I sighed after I read the article.

"Mommy" Isabella said when she woke up "mommy be back" I said and tried to comfort her Gabrielle and Hannah came back right then, "baby" she said as she came. We switched seats and drove off.

**fast forward to the cabin**

"We're here" Gabrielle said "nice, place" Isabella said we chuckled "yeah it is" Hannah said we entered the cabin and Isabella started to run around "don't run" Hannah said "I go get the bags" I said and they nodded I went outside and open the trunk, and started to remove the bags "hi" i heard a voice say I turned to see a guy joying "hi" I said "I'm Dom, your neighbor" he said as he held out his hand "I'm Sam" I said and shook it.

"Need help?" He asked "no it's fine" I said "ok, see you around" he said and I smiled as he jogged. I took in all the bags and locked the car and the doors "come here" Hannah said and laughed playing with Isabella. "Gab" I called out to her "in here" she said I walked into the kitchen to find her making something to eat "what's up?" She asked "nothing just tired I guess" I said "you looked up news on your hometown didn't you?" She asked.

"Yeah" I confess "look, Sam what happen to you wasn't your fault, and the guy was sentence to jail" she said but I wasn't convinced "the guy they sentence to jail wasn't him, i just know it wasn't" I said and walked off I went upstairs and entered my room, and opened my phone.

I started to look at old pictures of me when I was young elementary school, middle school, high school, even when I was a baby, "knock knock" Hannah said as she knocked on my door "hey" she said and came in and sat beside me "how are you doing?" She asked "why you care" I said cold and annoyed "Gabrielle told me what you said, I know what happened to you leave a huge mark in your life" I looked at "but you have to let it go" she continue I smirk and said "look, it leave huge mark but I have to let go, take your own advice"

Saying that I got up and walked out into the bathroom I closed the door and burst into tears, I sighed and stamped my feet on the floor trying to stop myself from crying. After around 10 minutes I left the bathroom and went downstairs to see them setting up the dinner table "hey, you ok?" Gabrielle asked "I'm fine" I said and walked over to help them wipe my tears.

After we finished setting up the table we sat down and started to eat. We sat there in silence until Hannah spoke "Nick, said I can keep Isabella anytime I want" I just looked at her in disgust then looked at Isabella and smiled and she smiled back "oh come on Sam your still upset?" Hannah asked "upset about what?" Gabrielle asked "nothing" Hannah quickly said I realized at that moment Gabrielle didn't know "she had sex with Nick, and then said she still loves him" I said not caring if I hurt Hannah are not.

"I can't believe you" she said and get up to take up Isabella "you couldn't keep your mouth shut" she said as she walked past me "you couldn't keep your legs close" I said I turned to look her in the eyes, she looked at me angrily "I love him, ok just respect that" she said and walked upstairs "I cant believe both of you" Gabrielle said and get up taking the dishes the kitchen. I just sighed and went upstairs straight to bed.

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