Plane crash

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Me and Sam held back Hannah's hair as she threw up. I rubbed her back so she could let it all out. “Shhh” I said trying to comfort her, when she stopped she flushed the toilet and washed out her mouth. “What the f*ck” Hannah cussed out then wiped her mouth off in a towel.

“So there here?” Sam said freakout “looks so, but, why?” I asked looking at both of them “how should we know” Sam said then was about to walk out when Hannah spoke “maybe for us” we turned to look at Hannah confused “what?” Me and Sam said at the same time, then looked at eachother.

“Look, I know I sound crazy but look, look at the odds” she said gazing at me and Sam “after we get attacked at the cabin, and..” she froze for second clearly thinking about Isabella “yeah, I understand why you think there here because of us, but if we think that we just start to believe that, and blame other person's death on us” Sam said then walked out of the room.

“She right” I said following Sam leaving Hannah in the bathroom alone to think. “Where are you going?” I said as I saw Sam about to walk out “out” she said not very convincing “where exactly?” I asked strictly “just going for a walk” she said I didn't believe her “with who?Dennis?” I asked her “maybe” she said and gave in.

“No” I said and turned “you're not my mom” she shouted after me, I knew she was not going to leave after I told her not to. I went into my room and opened my phone and read a message my dad sent me an hour ago “Meet me at the airport in 2 hours” it read. 

I read the message over and over thinking about what to do, my dad decided he was going to send me away until everything cools down. I didn't want to leave Hannah and Sam there alone, my dad said “I'm not going to carry them, not knowing if the mens are following them” where is exact words. 


After 30 minutes I walked out of the room with a suitcase Hannah and Sam were in the TV room, I cleared my throat to get their attention “what's this?” Hannah asked, motioning her hands at the suitcase “my dad is sending me away until everything cools down” I said wondering how they react “to where?” Sam asked “I don't know,” I replied. 

“Wait,” Sam said sitting up.“so, you're going to leave and let us deal with this on our own?” She asked, clearly upset “I'm sorry, ok, my dad just-”. “Your dad just my a**” Sam said cutting me off “I'm on Sam's side” Hannah said “my kid got shot and I'm not running away scared they will come again” she continued.

“But, do you, I guess,” Sam said, then sat back on the couch and went back to her phone. I looked at Hannah who just rolled her eyes and opened her laptop. I get my suitcase and walked out.


“Here” one of dads men said as he placed my suitcase beside me “thanks” I said and he handed me my plane ticket and passport. I looked at them before taking them, I smiled at him and walked into the airport. I wanted to run out of the airport, I showed them my plane ticket and walked onto the plane with a sigh. 


I walked into the kitchen for something to eat, I opened the fridge and took out a salad boil, opened it and removed corn. “That such a waste” I heard Hannah say looking at me From the TV room. “Sorry mother” I said jokingly then insteadily remembering Gabrielle. 

I think Hannah noticed “it's ok, she thinks he fine” she said then looked back at her phone. I sighed then sat around the counter to eat. I had only taken a few bites when I got a text from my mom. I opened the message and it read “that's good, you can come over if you like” I looked at the message for a few minutes.

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