Chapter 48: Sweet Dreams

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—-This is 3 years After Jeremiah called it quits on the wedding and cheated on belly. Play fine line while reading this.  ——

His face walked up to my door. He walked to my white, rectangular door with my friends' shaped door frame. and took a slow and steady breath. He couldn't go through it, so he waited outside and waited for me. He knocked on my door loudly.

He waited for me by the white wall with his hands in his pocket. He was wearing his black jacket and black jeans.

I woke up in my pajamas and went to open my doorknob. I knew who it was immediately. I couldn't get myself to open my fucking door. It was way too hard. I just stood there and froze.

I finally opened the door, and I saw his face. I couldn't say anything to him. It was too fucking hard. I froze for a long period.

I finally said "Hi" in my raspy, squeaky voice. I already felt like dying. I put my hand on my doorknob and kept it there. I didn't move it. I feel like I can't breathe. It sounded like I was crying. I was.

I'm having a hard time breathing. I just can't believe this is happening.

He said, ''Hi," back to me, in his tired voice. He stood there with a monotone expression on his face.

I couldn't believe that I was crying. I shed one tear. It makes me feel sad to stare at his face. He asks me if I'm okay. I lie and say I'm fine with a smile. That's a massive lie.

I open my door and invite him into my apartment. I ran to my bedroom and started crying. I call Taylor, and we start talking.

She asks me why I'm crying, and I tell her why. She tries calming me down, but it doesn't work. I say this in my room and cry again.

I come out of my room with dry tears swelling up in my eyes and my nose stuffed. He asks me what's wrong.

I tell him nothing; that's a massive lie. I go to my couch to sleep it off. he gets my blanket from my room puts it on me, and kisses my forehead. I smile a little.

I go to sleep. When I wake up, he's gone. I get up to go eat some breakfast. I wake up and walk around to make some toast and Nutella. it's weird and people think it's gross but I love it.

I sit on my couch and eat my breakfast. I put on Shameless and rewatched season 1 again since it's my favorite season.

they open my door and say their greetings. they go to the kitchen and start talking about whatever. I tell them to quiet down so I can go watch Shameless. they all ended up telling me about whatever they were talking about.

I sit on  my couch eating popcorn and binge-watch shameless for 2 hours, while they talk about nothing. I go up to save the popcorn for later. I go get myself Dunkin Donuts, a breakfast sandwich, and go eat.

I didn't get anything for them. that's so me. I tell them to not finish the donuts all in one day and save me some.

while  they all talk about nothing, i'm eating in my couch. he walks around with a dounut in his hand and comes to sit with me in my couch.

We do the most iconic pose of tv history and break out laughing. we end up well he ended up finishing the rest of shameless I couldn't.

She walks up to me with a donut in her mouth and says "you guys ok" While I have my legs on his lap.

we laugh and say "Yeah". whilst she rolls her eyes and says "uggh".

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