Chapter 16: Unveiling the Past

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Days turned into weeks, and Conrad's promise to open up about their past never wavered. He and Belly spent their evenings talking, rekindling their friendship with shared laughter and heart-to-heart conversations. Slowly but surely, the awkwardness that had plagued their relationship began to dissipate.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Conrad led Belly to the old lighthouse. Its tall, weathered structure stood as a silent sentinel to their memories. The breeze carried the scent of salt and seaweed, mixing with the nostalgic air.

They climbed the winding stairs, each step echoing with the sound of their hearts pounding. At the top, they stood side by side, gazing at the vast expanse of the ocean below.

Conrad turned to her, his eyes filled with determination. "This is where it all began, Belly. The secret we've kept for so long."

Belly nodded, anticipation building within her. She was ready to unravel the mysteries of their shared past, to understand what had driven the wedge between them.

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