Author's note: belly

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The waves crashed against the shore, beckoning everyone to the beach. For Belly, this was her time, the season she adored. She reveled in the warmth of the sun, the whisper of the ocean breeze, and the laughter that echoed around her. She was at the center of it all, a silent observer yet a pivotal player in the summer rituals.

From her cozy position, nestled under cute sundresses and bikini tops, Belly experienced the world in a unique way. She felt the flutter of excitement as Belly entered a room, the nervous flutters of a first crush, and the comforting touch of a best friend's hug. She bore witness to secrets shared in whispers, dreams confessed under the stars, and tears shed in moments of vulnerability.

Belly's perspective was one of sensation. She felt the sun's gentle warmth, the tingle of sea salt on skin, and the soft touch of sand between toes. But beyond physical sensations, she sensed the emotions too. She absorbed the exhilaration of summer romances, the ache of unspoken words, and the bittersweetness of goodbyes.

Through it all, Belly remained a silent confidante, a canvas of emotions painted upon her surface. She held the stories of summers past and present, a testament to the joys and heartaches that defined this season of growth and change.

In the symphony of experiences, Belly was more than just a physical core; she was a repository of memories, a silent witness to the transformative power of a summer that changed everything.

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