"Come on Yashiro... Wake up!" You say in anguish. The others look in shock they go over to you and try to wake her up too, but she wants to respond to anything. you checked if she was still breathing which she was. You sighed in relief knowing she was just passed out.

You carried her to a nearby bench and let her rest there as you told the others to find something to wake her up.


With Yashiro.

Yashiro groaned as she got up from her spot. "Ngh... Where am I?" She asked no one in particular. "Are you okay miss?" A little boy asked her as he reached a hand out to help her. Yashiro looked stressed she didn't know where her friends were. "Y-yeah, thank you..." Yashiro says as she grabbed her head.

"What are you doing?" The little boy asked as he ate his caramel apple. He wore a yukata, had choppy black hair, and had big amber eyes. "Hm, he looks familiar." Yashiro thought as she looked at him closely. She quickly snapped out of it and tried to recap what was happening.

'Let's see, Y/N was walking faster than everybody then there was a bull... I got hit by that bull saving her!'

Now that Yashiro resolved that, she looked around in confusion. She then looks back at the boy who was eating his caramel apple looking around the festival. "Hey... What day is it today?" Yashiro asks the boy.

The boy looks at her. "Day?" He then points to a poster that says "Star festival! 1964!" 

Yashiro is in shock. '1964!? That's the Shōwa period!' Yashiro then started to panic. "Do you need help miss?" The little boy asked. "I can take you to the Children's Center where all the kids are near the bamboo tree, I'm going there anyways... I'm going to put this ribbon up there." The little boy then shows a red ribbon.

Yashiro stares at the red ribbon intensely. "Hey, kid... How about you give me that ribbon?" Yashiro steps closer to the kid. Her pupils start to spiral and she starts to sweat as she stares more intensely. 

The little boy looked at her in worry. "Uhm... No." Yashiro sighs in defeat.

Both of them went to a little non-alcoholic drinking place near the tree. Yashiro sat at a nearby bench. "Here, miss." The little boy gave Yashiro juice. "Is it okay? I mean I'm the older one here..." Yashiro says as she stares at the juice in guilt.

"It's okay, you look pitiful anyways." The little boy says. Yashiro felt hundreds of arrows pierced through her heart, the boy never stopped talking. "I think you confessed to someone a hundred times to someone you liked and got rejected a hundred times. And on top of that, you got tricked into losing everything you had, so all you can do is get help from a higher power." The boy finished. Yashiro looked at the kid in shock.


"Yeah..." Yashiro agreed to his 'statement' even though what he said was a complete lie. "Your ankles are very swollen miss, do you have a medical condition?" The little boy said. "HUH!?" Yashiro yelled out. "No! You shouldn't say that about people's ankles!" Yashiro exclaimed as she huffed in anger and embarrassment. The boy only shrugged.

"Anyways, what's your name?" Yashiro asked the little boy. "Oh, my name is Yugi. Amane Yugi!" He says with pride. "Amane!" A voice called out. The little boy looked at who was calling him and saw that it was a little girl, Yashiro couldn't see her features as she was far away but Amane could. 

He smiled and waved at the girl implying he would be there in a minute. "Well I have to go miss, please do be careful!" Amane says as he hops off the bench and looks back at Yashiro, he gives a little wave. 

"Amane, hurry up!"

He rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm going!" He says as he runs towards her. Yashiro sees in the distance that the little girl is scolding Amane. Yashiro giggled, she then started to focus more on the little girl. She noticed that the girl looked a lot like Y/N, but she didn't mind it... It was the year 1964. 

"Now, how do I get back..." Yashiro pondered as she looked around. She saw the same bull that knocked her over, she put two and two together and thought if she got knocked out by the bull again maybe she'll go back to her timeline.

"I have nothing to lose anyway."

She says as she runs towards it knocking her out.


"Yashiro come on wake up!"

You and the rest have been trying everything to get Yashiro to wake up. You sighed and had something in your mind pop up. "Yashiro if you wake up right now I'll give you a kiss!" 


You laughed, but to your surprise, Yashiro did wake up as soon as you said that. Yako looked at Yashiro and rolled her eyes as he hopped off the shoulder of Hanako and walked away. "Yashiro thank goodness you're awake!" You exclaimed as you hugged her.

Yashiro smiled and hugged you back.


whoops I'm a day late....  shhh don't worry bout that guys... Anyway thank you for reading please comment and vote!!!!! see you in the next chapter!

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