His hands gripped my hips and pulled me into him tightly, I tugged and tried to pull away, but I couldn't, he held me tightly. It hit me that I wouldn't let Riley touch me for months now. All I thought about was Riley. How could she be related to him? 

I thought about her soft fingertips laced into my hair as she massaged my scalp until I woke up, or her soft skin against mine, letting her warmth envelop me in the biggest hug.

Then I thought out how roughly he touched me, like I wasn't even an animal like I was nothing but an object.

I pushed his body, trying to free myself yet he just slapped me harshly, my head going in the direction he hit me in.

"What the hell?" a distant voice yelled through the doors. Riley.

Jacob whipped his head around and he opened his mouth but then Riley punched him. 

She punched him.

Her punch sent him stumbling into the rail, falling over it almost before standing up and walking over to her. She only grabbed me and held me by the shoulders. I didn't flinch though.

"I want you to call the police, angel, please," she said, holding my face with her hands with a worried expression on her face as she put her phone in my hands. "Go," she told me, patting my back as Jacob walked up to Riley, she pushed him, hit him, trying to knock him out as I stared at her in shock.

"Lacy!" she yelled at me, worry filling her voice.

She wasn't worried about herself though, only about me, for my safety,

I swiped up on her phone screen as it took me to the passcode pad. I pressed emergency and dialed 112, pressing her phone to my ear as I heard the ringtone.

"Bonjour, quelle est cotre urgence," I heard.

"Uhm, hello, do you speak English," I spoke frantically, watching Riley take hit after his and send hit after hit as well. After every hit though, she got back up and hit even harder.

She was so incredibly strong.

"How can I help you, madam?" I heard a thick, almost incoherent accent.

"Hi I'm at Belle Danse School of Dance, on three hundred thirty-three fifth street, I was just sexually assaulted and now the person who did it is hitting his daughter," I said, stumbling over my words in a panic.  

"Okay madam, do you have any injuries?" she asked

"He slapped me but I don't have any physical injuries, but his daughter's name is Riley Parker, he's hitting her badly, she's trying to hit back, self-defense," I said, trying to look at my feet, and not up at the blood that was on Riley's fists and face.

"What's your name ma'am?" she asked.

"Lacy Clarke," I swallowed hard.

"I just sent down the team, madam, they'll be there very quickly, I promise you but stay on the phone until they arrive," she said.

"Okay," I said as I flinched when Riley's head hit the wall, tears fell down my face.

"Are you close with his daughter?" 

"Yeah...yeah we're close," I stumbled.

"I know it's scary but you have to be brave, just like his daughter's being brave for you," she said sweetly.

"He did it to me before, last winter at a dance studio in Boston, I moved to France to get away from him but it didn't work, he came for parent's weekend and Riley, she's...she's my girlfriend, I just wanted to meet her parent's but he...he's her father," I said, still in absolute shock.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, madam, he'll be sent away if we have enough evidence, you'll be safe again, I promise you," she said, her voice honest.

"Thank you," I sighed as sirens wailed, getting louder and louder before halting and getting out, officers pushing through me to the steps as they pulled Jacob back and pushed him to the ground.

My feet stayed planted as Riley wiped her face, smearing blood on her cheek as tears streamed down her face and people began to come outside to see what was happening.

Too much. 

Jacob cursed and swore at me, but I couldn't hear him all I felt was his leg kick my knee harshly, making me stumble backward into the street. 

More sirens rang the ambulance sirens. Everything was in slow motion as people stared at me, at Riley, at Jacob. I needed to run, I needed to run far away into another country where this didn't happen.

The sirens got louder in my ear as I turned around and began to run. I heard a horn honk loudly, but I was in my own world, I didn't know what was going on but then my body was being pushed so roughly and forcefully by an immense amount of weight, my body flew for God knows how long and then my head hit harshly on the concrete. 

 I should have looked both ways.

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