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"I don't know Ray, someone has to know about this." Layla said, her anxiety and discovery already becoming like a piece of thorn in her flesh. "Abbu has to know. I can't allow something like this to keep happening."

"I know you want to do the right thing but Layla we have to tread carefully. If he can be this sneaky then he can surely be just as dangerous. We can't just dive into whatever this mess is without a clear head." Ray reasoned.

"Then if not Abbu someone has to know, at least I'd be at ease knowing that one of my brothers has my back."

"Do you think they'll believe you right away?."

"I'll have to try convincing them even if they don't ."

"Who would you relate the story to."

"Ya' Khaled is too preoccupied now and Sa'ad... Sa'ad will definitely face it head on. He's too tough. " She sighed shaking her head. "Mas'ud will be my best bet, he'd always been my main guy."

"Then it should be him. Please be careful Layla." Ray cautioned, the bad feeling she had about the whole situation intensifying with every passing second.

"Lunch is readayyyy!!." Zayyan sang from the corridor making them laugh at his bubbly voice and excitement before he knocked then peaked into the room. He shyly looked at Layla and hid behind the door then announced again that Ray's mom was done with lunch.

"We'll be there in a minute."

"He's so shy and adorable." Layla smiled.

"He likes you. That's why he's shy." Ray chuckled, getting up and adjusting her shirt.

"Why how nice!. I like him more." They both laughed before heading out, the heaviness they both carried lessening a little bit.

Layla was exhausted from doing absolutely nothing when Ray dropped her off by the evening, and immediately she stepped into the house her heart had already started beating wildly in her chest to a dizzying point. She braced herself by the entrance as she held the short railing in an attempt at calming herself down. Taking a breath to reinforce herself, she walked up and pushed the door open. She was greeted by more of her relatives seated in the living room having a lively conversation. They were so engrossed with each other that nobody paid attention to the TV that was on. Their eyes landed on her a second later and the pleasantries began. She was about to head upstairs when Rumaisa emerged from the kitchen.

"Ah you're back. You're going to help with some chores. Come, drop that bag and make yourself useful." She stared at the woman for a minute, wondering why she just had to be this mean to her.

I haven't even done anything. Hell, this is the first time she's laying eyes on me today. Knowing that she was seeking trouble, Layla decided to not give into her aunt's desire to humiliate her, but she needed to speak with Mas'ud right away.

"Alright I'll be down in a few minutes. I'll just go and change."

"Excuses every time. I said now!, I didn't ask if you wanted to change or not. And you knew your cousins and aunts were coming but you decided to go out. That was how you knew we were visiting the last time and you left the house to do what was more important than your own blood!." What warranted that outburst from her, Layla had no idea. Her eyes darted in Zahra's direction where she stood by the kitchen, but she looked away. The whole room fell silent, and Layla could feel every single eye on her, almost like they were judging and stripping her last semblance of dignity.

"I wasn't aware of your arrival at the time, as much as I am unaware of theirs now." She calmly spoke after willing a restraint on every single nerve in her body not to react.

Endurance जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें