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The previous week had been a long one for Mariam as she battled with exhaustion, chest pains and lack of sleep. Waking up in the morning she realized that she overslept, mainly because she couldn't sleep last night, and as she suspected, she had caught on a bad and flu. Her head ached and the fever she was feeling was still high, the dizziness equally overwhelming. The smell of good food tickled her nose but it was accompanied by a feeling of nausea. Her steps were weary as she strolled through the living room. Zahra turned her head in her direction from the Tv, and Mariam inwardly shook. She could feel herself shrinking when the woman's catlike eyes landed on her and as usual, disdainfully.

Mariam knew the facts with Zahra ever since she met her; First, was that she really didn't like her generally as a person. Second, was that she was utterly disgusted by her presence. She refuses to allow her clean her room sometimes, and she wouldn't even eat the food she cooks. She'd rather order her meals than eat what the poor girl prepares.

Mariam had been a good example of someone that people hated for simply existing and for absolutely no reason almost throughout her life, but the way Zahra made her feel was petrifying. She was a little ugly alright , but she was still human. She hadn't felt that much fear towards any other person who had never laid a hand on her like she did with Layla's sister. Admittedly, she was really scared of her. Greeting her in the usual way she does, a sudden energy she didn't know she had activated her legs to flee from the room.

Layla hummed and flipped the pancake she was preparing, then flapped it on the many she already made. When she heard movement, she twisted her head in the direction.

"Early bird Mariam. You're late today, what happened?". She smoothly and easily asked turning to the pan. Mariam tried gauging her expression, trying to discern if she was angry or not. Layla continued her humming and flipped another round of pancake. Deciding the woman might not be mad at her after all , she unfolded the note she already wrote her reason on and handed it when Layla's attention was focused on her once again.

"You're not feeling too good?". She raised an eyebrow after reading the note. Mariam vividly recoiled and despite the cold she felt, her hands were sweating, because Layla sometimes had expressions that cannot be cracked, and the one she wore at that moment was one of them.

"Well why don't you go back to your room and rest, when you feel better you come back". She instructed, piling some of the pancakes on a plate. Mariam was relieved to know she would be excused, so she nodded and thanked her. She turned around, about to leave when Layla called her, she turned in time to see her handing the plate of pancakes while drizzling some syrup on it.

"The syrup's almost finished ". She mumbled to herself as Mariam stared at her, then at the plate before collecting it with shaky hands. She didn't have an appetite, but the gesture was enough to brighten up her entire day. She couldn't believe she was going to eat exactly the same meal every person in the house was having for breakfast.

"You can wait to have some tea. I have my mother's tea recipe that could help clear your throat. I think I'll need it too". Layla mumbled the last words to herself again and checked the shelves. When she couldn't find what she was looking for she opened a cupboard to retrieve jars filled with herbs and spices.

Layla watched Mariam move to the back door with heavy steps, gently pulling the door open, got out and shut it with equal gentleness. She couldn't be sure, but she thought she saw the girl's eyes turn moist when she took the tea from her. She hadn't been paying much attention to her appearance, even though she knew her clothes had seen better days, but only then did she notice the faded rags Mariam wore as clothes. She shook her head, the sudden heavy feeling in her chest unsettling her.

Mariam wiped the tears that rolled down her face in succession as she sat in her room. She didn't know if it was the fever or if it was the kindness Layla showed her that was making her emotional. Whatever it was, she wanted to hang on to the feeling for as long as she could hold on to it. She ate the little bit of food she could manage and left the rest in the old chipped off bowl that she ate in for years.

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