Stressed out

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(Rip's P.O.V.)
"Whoa whoa. Watch out! watch out!" I yelled at Kacey when Miles charged forward trying to get himself free from the leadrope that Kacey held. Stumbling down Kacey fell to the ground, letting the rope go. I quickly helped him up as Miles ran circles around the fenceline. Miles had previously broken out of his stable, because a ranch hand couldn't remember being told not to come near him. The two of us grabbed the rope and tried to fight with the rearing horse. Trying to calm him down or atleast settle a bit. "What are you doing out there, Kacey?" I heard Monica from behind me. She stood watching by the fence. "Trying to get myself killed it seems" Kacey replied turning briefly to face his wife. But due to Miles suddenly pulling back harshly, he fell to the ground again. I kept on struggling with Miles as he continued to rear up. "I think he doesn't like me" Kacey told her as he dusted his denim jeans off, "you think you two can finish that conversation later?!" I asked as I pulled Mav's horse down to his four legs. "I don't think this is working" Kacey began, "you think?" I asked sarcastically and out of breath. Since we had captured the horse, we had gotten only further from the barn. Eventually, John, hearing all the commotion, came out and helped us. "You've got to move his feet!" He yelled at us. Kacey and I looked at each other hesitantly. "Move his feet!" John ordered again. And so we did. I held onto the rope and Kacey moved Miles feet by waving his hands so the horse would turn and move away. Untill finally we were able to get Miles back inside a stable. Allthough the horse still kept on anxiously walking in circles and loudly neighing out. Only times he stopped was to go look over the stable wall at his shetland friend, Barley. As if both of them conversed or tried to comfort each other. "We've got to find a way to de-stress him" I told the two and crossed my arms, watching Miles. "He wants Miles" John told me before walking away and telling me to come with him.

A little later - at the hospital

I sit in the waiting room there are no magazines to read anymore, everybody has mobile phones to look at photos of themselves and friends. I drink the coffee from the coffee dispenser. Its as bland as the hospital walls. Two women sit nearby me and John, one has her hair in a big bun, the other has a smaller on-top of her hair. Middle aged worries about grandchildren. A man sitting in an electric wheelchair rolls in, I can tell he is not well. He opens a plastic bag and then throws up violently. A nearby nurse hurries over and wheels him to a treatment room. "Mr Dutton?" I heard John's name be called out. We looked up at the nurse and waited for her responce. "Your son is awake" she informed John. It didn't matter that Maverick wasn't John's biological son, John still cared for him like the boy had the same blood running through his veins. So hearing the word son wasn't a problem for the man.


(Mav's P.O.V.)
I flutter my eyes open and groan at the harsh light. The sunshine moves round and just reaches the bit between my bed and the windowsill. I hear the sound of a clock. Tock follows tick and tick follows tock, the only sound in my room is the sound of that clock. But outside the door is a whole other game. Corridors are filled with people in white laboratory coats and people worrying over their family. I rub my eye, trying to wake myself more. Pulling my hand away, I spot an IV line in hand. I push myself upright and grab the . Before yanking it out, hissing as the flexible tube gets pulled from my hand. Some sort of fluid drips from it. My eyes trail over the line towards a drip-bag which is hanging from a hook. I lift my hand towards it to turn it around so I can read the label. Liquid oxycodone. It was a painkiller. No wonder I didn't feel any form of pain, when I woke up. I had been given drugs. I sat upright and tried to get out bed. Immediatly falling over as soon as I tried to stand. A loud yell left my throat as pain shot through my entire body. "So.. much... for the.. painkillers" I said through gritted teeth as I rolledyself onto my stomach. Suddenly the door opened and in walked John and Rip. "Jesus, Mav" John scolded as he noticed my whereabouts. The two men put their cups of coffee down before helping me up. I groaned as they lifted me up to my feet and laid me back in the hospital bed. The small matress doing nothing to ease the pain I knoe was expierencing. "How.. is he?" I asked, wanting to know about my horse. Neither of them answered, only concerned for me. "What the hell did you do?" John asked showing me the IV tube. "How is... Miles?" I asked again, still falling on deaf ears. "Rip, go get a nurse or doctor" John said ushering Rip out the room. I grew annoyed that they had not yet responded to me. "How is Miles!" I screamed and a machine began beeping louder. Clearly a heart monitor that was still attached to me was announcing that my heart-rate was going up due to my anger. "Miles is doing fine, so is Barley" John responded sounding sincere. Rip looked at John with a look I could read. There was indeed something going on with my horses or atleast one of them. "Liar! He isn't fine" I snapped and made a move to get out of the bed again. Immediatly getting intercepted by Rip who pushed me back onto the matress "and neither are you". A stern look on his face, telling me to listen. Rip was right, I wasn't fine. I couldn't even stand on my legs without falling over. I couldn't even breath without feeling pain rise in my chest. I put my head back against the pillow and glare at him. Rip sighed before telling me about Miles. Meanwhile, I turned my head away from them to the window. Rip talked about Miles's aggression, his attacks towards ranch hands, the circles he walked around his stall due to stress and the loud neighs in distress together with Barley. My eyes wander around the room then they land on my denim jacket. It was covered in dust and drops of blood splatter around the collar. I move and pull it from the chair before tossing it towards John, then turn my back to them again. "Hang it in the stall. Should calm him down enough to be handled by you lot" I told them with a quiet voice and no emotion.

Published: 30th of March 2024

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