Don't touch

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(Maverick's P.O.V.)
I held a leadrope as I guided the senior shetland called Barley to the barn where the farrier was. Barley is a 23 year old dapple grey gelding. He was the one that taught me to ride 13 years ago, and ever since that day, I took care of him. And did so proudly. Now the old man is enjoying retirement and being stable and pasture mates with my 9 year old horse called Run a Mile aka Miles, who I now owned for 5 years. Miles is a bay American Quarter Horse, with four medium white socks, a bald face with blue eyes, black mane and a white tail. I do all kinds of things with miles, from ranchwork to shows. You can say he's a good allround horse. I passed some of the ranch hands who were warming up there horses before going out to the fields. "Hey Maverick!" I heard Fred call out. "You've got to be kidding me" I mumbled at Barley. I didn't particular like Fred. In my opinion, he is a bully and is always out to put people down. Fred trotted his horse up to the fence beside me and began striking up a conversation. Which in true Fred fashion, is actually just belittling someone. Thankfully, Lloyd walked out and told Fred to get back to work. Otherwise I probably would have snapped and pulled him of the chestnut mare. Together with Barley I walked into the barn. I immediatly saw Miles patiently standing in the crossties as the farrier worked on his hooves. Barley whinnied as he saw his friend in the crossties. The farrier, called Felix Strong, stood upright and patted Miles on his rump. "Barley is looking good in his old age" Felix complemented as he watched the shetland approach beside me. I smiled from ear to ear. Last winter Barley had a rough patch and we all feared the worst at the ranch. He began loosing weight rapidly and it took very long to get that weight back on. Barley had also colliced a few times but we got it under control now thankfully. So hearing someone tell me that my retired pony looked good was a compliment I gladly took. Felix untied Miles and then we made the two equines swap places. While I waited for Felix to finish working with Barley, we just talked about the upcoming shows that are ahead. Eventually, Felix finished and I took Barley and Miles to their shared pasture. I bid my goodbye to Felix and took the boys out. Thankfully, the ranch hands have gone out for work. I led the boys to their pasture when suddenly my radio went off. "Mav, we need your help with the cattle. Get your ass to pasture 8". "On my way" I replied theough the radio. I put Barley in the paddock and grabbed Miles's bridle. I didn't grab his saddle because we enjoy riding bareback more.

(Rip's P.O.V.)
"Rip, you've got stragglers in the timber" I heard John tell me through the radio, "we're coming at you" I replied to him. I turned to Jimmy who was beside me "we got stragglers in the trees. I want you to come with me". "Uh" Jimmy began nervously, "I ain't asking your fucking permission Jimmy, I'm telling you. Now let's go. Keep up" I told him and spurred my horse on, "they said running the horses makes the cattle nervous" he told me, "what do you think that chopper's doing?" I asked him and pointed to the Yellowstone chopper. "Now let's go". Me and Jimmy galloped towards the stragglers when suddenly Jimmy's horse turned, making him loose balance. Jimmy toppled forward and fell off with a loud thud. "Don't cut your horse! Get up!" I told him as I passed him. "Lloyd, help the shit for brains catch his horse". But Jimmy's horse spooked and immediatly bolted off. "Get your fucking horse!" I yelled at Jimmy, before turning to the other hands "start drivin' em this way!". From the corner of my eye, I saw Maverick approaching on his horse. The two where galloping as Maverick swung his rope in the air ready to catch the loose horse. The kid sure is a natural when it comes to riding, with and without the saddle. Mav had easily reined the horse and was now guiding him back to the group "Somebody loose a horse?!" He called out as he approached. Lloyd waved him over as the rest of us continued herding the cattle.

(Mav's P.O.V.)
I halted Miles beside Lloud and his horse as Jimmy walked towards us. "Get a hold of the reins before you take the rope off" Lloyd told him and Jimmy listened. "Atleast he's starting to walk like a cowboy" I said laughing while turning to Lloyd, "I don't think I'm cut out for this" Jimmy told us, "nobody is, Jimmy. It's gotta be cut into you" I told him. "Says the person who rides bareback while cattle driving" he responds out of breath, "ah, Mav here has fallen off more times than you can count, Jimmy. Its just part of the job" Lloyd said and patted me on my back. "Now where's your hat?". Jimmy sighed and looked around trying to locate it. "Well, find it. Don't comeback without it. They'll never let you live it down" Lloyd said before spurring his horse on to follow the rest of the group. I followed quickly after.

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