When rain falls

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(Maverick's P.O.V.)
I turned in my chair when I heard someone walking into the principal's office. "Fuck" I whispered underneath my breath as I saw Rip walking in. He casted a stern glare into my direction which made me immediatly turn away from his eyes. "Thank you for coming, Mr Wheeler" principal Anderson said and sat down in his chair and invited Rip to take a seat. Then proceeded to explain the reason for Rip being called to come pick me up from school. "One of the teachers said she saw Maverick start a fight in the schoolyard-", "he started it! He's a bully!" I claimed loudly. "None the less, you where the one that dealt the most damage" Anderson replied before turning to Rip, "He broke Austin Sparrow's jaw and nose". I immediatly sunk in my chair, trying to dissapear from this very conversation. "So I have no option to suspend him for a week". I cringed as I heard for how long I got suspended. Beside me Rip inhaled deeply, his way of remaining calm. "What about the Sparrow kid?" Rip questioned Anderson, "he's already got a lot on his plate, so we gave him one day off to get some rest". So I got suspended, meanwhile the guy who was the actuall bully got a fucking day off. He didn't even get suspended. "You may go" the principal said with a nod. I stood up and followed Rip outside to the truck. When I almost arrived beside the car, I felt a hand roughly grab my denim jacket. Rip turned me around before slamming me in to the side of the truck. "What the hell is wrong with you" Rip sneered coming in close, "how much time do you have? Because its a long list” I responded with a nervous laugh. He scoffed before letting go of my denim jacket and turned to get in the truck. I sighed relieved and made my way to the passenger side. "Where do you think your going?" Rip questioned. I raised a confused eyebrow at him and pointed at the passenger door "getting in the truck?". He laughed at me before answering "did I forget to mention that you're going to walk home?". "Walk home? Your joking, right?" I asked him with a chuckle. Hoping that he didnt mean it. But by the look on his face I saw that he was indeed serious. "Rip, it's like 7 miles!" I told him, "enough time for you to think about what you did today" he replied simply, "now get" he said and pointed at the road. I groaned and turned on my heel to head to the road.

My feet kicked up some of the gravel, making it bounce out onto the road. I had been walking for some time now, while Rip followed behind me with one of our trucks. "Maverick! Get a move on, I've still got work to do!" Rip yelled from behind me and beeped the horn. I kept walking but turned around to call back "you know, you could get to work faster if you let me ride in the truck!". "Keep dreaming, buddy" he replied. I huffed and turned around to keep walking. Then suddenly I felt the first droplets fall from the sky. "Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me" I said and pulled my denim jacket over my head the furthest it possibly could, to shield myself from the rain. But it was no use. Montana let the rain fall down as if heaven was crying her eyes out. And with every passing minute, it only became harder and harder. I was drenched from head to toe. I scoffed as I only get more wet. To a point that even my whimpers had drops of rain caught in them. Normally I don't hate the rain, infact I often enjoyed it. There was no greater fun in jumping in puddles, riding a horse back back and howling at the rain clouds. All those times, it was a matter of choice. I wasn't made to go in the rain, I wanted to. But this? This was totally different. I was basically made to walk in the rain. So, I picked up the pace.

Finally I saw the ranch in sight. Relief washed over me as I walked onto the terrain. Rip sped up and passed me. Enjoying the fact of driving through a puddle, making it splash over me. Before parking the truck and walking over to me. Without a word he pointed to the bunkhouse. Great, I got demoted from my room in the main house to sleeping in the bunkhouse. He pushed the door opened and let me walk inside. Immediatly all eyes turn to me. Looking me up and down curiously. "The hell happened to you?" Lloyd asked laughing as he saw my drenched clothes that basically dripped water onto the floor. Rip stepped inside and spoke up "he walked home from school for starting a fight". "I did not start-" I began but was cutt of by Rip telling me to shut up and take a shower. I scoffed and turned to hesd to the bathroom. "Just a heads up, Maverick, we used all the hot water" Jimmy yelled at me. I groaned as I continued walking to the bathroom. I didn't even get the chance to warm up.

Published: 15th of october 2023

Update request:

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