The accident

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(Maverick's P.O.V.)
After apolgizing to Austin Sparrow I was finally allowed to do some work around the ranch, again. Although it wasn't one of the most exciting jobs, you didn't hear me complaining. Because I was back out on the property with Miles again. Even if it was just checking the fenceline from all the pastures. While I hum to the tune of an old country song, I let Miles comfortable walk along the fenceline, as I check the barbed wire. In the saddlebags I had equipment that could help me fix small issues with fence. Any big issues with it needed to be radioed in so a repair team could come along. I stopped Miles when I saw that a fence post had slightly tipped a bit. Probably due to soft or wet ground. Once Miles had halted for me I dismounted from the saddle. Immediatly my horse dipped his head down to eat the grass. He didn't have a bit in so I wasn't to bothered if Miles decided to have a little snack. I had just grabbed a bitless bridle for this job. I walked to Miles's rump to open a saddlebag and retrieve some supplies that could help me with straightening this post. A rubber hammer would do the trick. While I was fixing the fence post, Kayce rode up with his horse on the other side of the fence. Firstly, looking at me trying to figure out what I was doing. As if he really was not believing that he saw me. "What are you doing?" Kayce questioned me as he kept watching me hammer down the post. I stop and look up "fixing the post" I answer him in a duh voice and then continue, "you're not supposed to be doing work ranch" he commented as I finished. I ignored his statement and mounted back onto miles.

I turned Miles to face Kayce before answering him "well, actually, I can work and ride again" I told him before clicking my tongue, telling Miles to continue on again

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I turned Miles to face Kayce before answering him "well, actually, I can work and ride again" I told him before clicking my tongue, telling Miles to continue on again. Kayce followed us on the other side of the fence. "So you finally apologized to that Sparrow kid, huh?" He chuckled, like he couldn't believe it. "Only because I got bored. It's not like I meant it anyway" I shrugg. Layce laughs and shakes his head. "you are the only person I have ever met that doesn't mind doing ranch work willingly, Mav" he laughed. "Think the ranch workers will beg to differ" I told him and turned my face to look at him. A smirk formed on his face "unlike you, they get paid by doing work". It is true, the ranch hands, Jimmy - Lloyd - Fred - Colby and Ryan, all get paid. While I just do it freely. "Well, I get pocket money" I tell replied to Kacey who loudly laughs "like pocket money earns you a living". I think for a second. "No, but luckily the competition do" I smirk. Now that was a correct statement. Me and Miles have won so many competition that I could easily pay mine, Miles's and Barley's living while I'm on the ranch. Yes, I couldn't buy a house. But I could pay for what I and my horses need. And that's all fine by me. After our conversation, Kayce left to go back to the ranch. I was almost finished checking the fenceline. We only had the fence left that was by the road. With a loose rein we walk past the fence. Then suddenly a large truck comes barging passed us. Miles flinches lightly and tenses up, yet relaxes immediatly when I trace my hand through his mane. Thankfully it wasn't severe enough to cause danger. If I was on Kayce's new stallion, it could've been a whole different story. I look up at the dark-blue truck that pulled up to the side of the road. "Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me" I sneer as I see who gets out. Austin Sparrow and his goons. I turn Miles around to avoid them. I had no desire to speak with all of them. But clearly they had other ideas. With loud yelling and screaming, pulling on Miles's reins and basically making my horse tense up and scared. They surrounded me. Austin was loudly blaming me for him being grounded by his parents. "That was your fault, not mine" I snap back, as I simultaneously try and keep Miles calm. An evil look flashes over Austin's face and he goes back to the truck "keep him here!" He orders his minions. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get Miles passed the group so I could get him safely on the Yellowstone private property. "Hey! Mav!" I heard the loud voice of Austin yell behind me. I turn my head to look at him and see him load a rifle. Before pointing it towards me and Miles. Almost immediatly pulling the trigger. Them everythong went into slowmotion. I saw Miles rear up and his loud screaming neigh echoed through my mind. It was so far away that it sounded like I was underwater. My hands tried to reach for the reins or for Miles's neck. But was unsuccesfull. I screamed but no sound came out of my mouth as I fell from Miles's back. I landed on the ground and a sharp immediate pain shot through my head after it collided with the tarmac. My visiom immediatly became blurry and black spots began to form. Like a bad stop motion video, I saw Miles take off. Faint noise, that I could barely identify surrounded me. It was the sound of voices and then a truck being started and driving off. I laid still for a second, only hearing my own painfull breathing in the back of my head as I looked up at the sky. It was bright blue and had no clouds. The brightness gave me a headache and I closed my eyes to prevent it from getting worse. As I lost my conciouss only one thing wondered through my mind.


Published: 27th of February 2024

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