Barbed wire

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(Rip's P.O.V.)
I leaned my arms on the horn of my saddle as I watched the boys drive the cattle in. "Hey Rip?" I heard John call out to me from behind the fence. I turned in my saddle towards him and nodded. "Maverick?" He asked about the youngest whereabouts, "Kacey saw him at the fenceline from pasture 3" I answered him, "but I haven't seen him". John pulled his sleeve back to look at his watch before cursing underneath his breath "he should've been back by now". "John, he's a wandering cowboy. Mav has spent more days and nights out with his horse than you an me combined" I chuckled, "he'll be fine". By John's face, I could tell he was still not convinced "no, something doesn't feel right" he said shaking his head. I pulled the radio from my pocket and turned it on towards Maverick's channel "Mav, are you coming home tonight?". I let go from the button that allowed me to speak through Mav's radio. But when I did, the only sound we heard was static. I looked towards John for a second, getting more worried with each passing second. "Mav?" I asked again. Nothing. "Maverick!". Only the white noise from the radio was recueved as a reply. Immediatly I dropped everything and gave out orders for some of the ranch hands to begin find Maverick. I told Himmy, Colby and Ryan to go and search in the wooded area where Mav usually goes to camp out during the nights. Lloyd will come with me to go from the fence lines on the land and then heading to the once at the roadside. Meanwhile John and Kacey would be waiting at the ranch in case Mav turned up. John was sure enough going to give Mav a field day when he returns.

My eyes flickered over the fields, trying to find a sign of Maverick and Miles. But nothing, not a single trail. "I'm going yo fucking kill him" I sneer and look further across the fields. Lloyd laughs "oh, you won't kill him, Rip. Might wring his neck but - not kill him". I sighed, knowing he was right. I wouldn't kill Maverick, but will hurt him like an older brother would do. Then suddenly I heard a loud neigh and I turned towards Lloyd with a raised eyebrow. Then it came out again. "Is that-?" Lloyd questioned but I cut him off when I regocnized the neigh, "Miles". I immediatly spurred my horse on towards the noise. Lloyd following behind me aswell. My face fell further and further as we approached. "Shit" I said in shock stopping my horse at a safe distance. Lloyd also stopped beside me. In front of us was Miles. Completely sweaty, breath so fast he was almost not getting air into his lungs and his eyes white with panic. Miles was down on his front legs while he tried to keep standing on his hinds. My eyes looking over his entire body that was wrapped in barbedwire. Cuts littered and blood drippes from the wire cut into him. "He must of run through the fenceline when whatever the fuck happened with Maverick" I said to Lloyd who agreed. I slowly dismount as to not scare the already petrified horse. "Easy, Miles" I softly whisper as I carefully approached. Miles noticed me and immediatly his ears went back and his eyes glowed in pure anger as he tried to get free, the barbed wire cutting further, not seeming to be bothered at all by the pain. Immediatly I took a step back, knowing he did not want me anywhere near him and Miles settled again. Yet kept an eye on me or anyone else who dared to come closer. "This isn't going to work" I told Lloyd stepping back further. "Already on it" Lloyd replied grabbing his radio and calling the house, we need help getting Miles out of the barbed wire fence.

A bit later

"When is the vet here?" John sneered pacing back and forth. Whenever someone came around him he would lash out in anger. So the only way to get him out of the barbwire, without Maverick, was having him sedated. "And where is Maverick!?". Then Kacey walked up to us while putting his phone in his pocket shaking his head at us. Ryan, Colby and Jimmy also had not find any trace of the boy. "Keep searching" I told Kacey, "already told them" he replied stopping beside us all, "how is he?" Kacey asked nodding towards Miles, "won't let anyone near him" I told him and folded my arms while impatiently waiting. Finally the vet arrived and we basically had to wrestle with a refusing and pissed off Miles with the 4 off us while the vet gave him a sedation. "How the fuck does Mav get on with him" I groan as I hold onto the reins. Finally we got Miles to settle and he was also cleared to be trailered back to the ranch. But even back at the ranch and with pain and calming medication, Miles was still not comfortable. Miles lunged at every person wjo came close to him, reared or kicked at every little sound. For Barley's safety, we moved the small pony to the stable beside theirs. I knew deep down there was nothing we could do to make the horse calm and less stressed, it had to be the one who took care of him like his life depended on it. "We've got to find Maverick" I said to Kacey who stood beside me, as we looked at the restless horse. "Excuse me?" A voice suddenly asked behind us. Both me and Kacey looked over our shoulders and saw two police officers. "Yes?" I asked wanting to know why they are here, "where can we find Mr John Dutton?" The blond asked us. "He's in the house. But why do you want to see him?" Kacey asked, "we want to talk to him regarding Maverick Dutton?". Kacey and I looked at eachother which indicated the officers to continue telling us information. "A couple found him by the side of the road and took him to the hospital". "Which one?" The two of us asked in union. Almost immediatly getting into action when the name left the blond's lips.

Published: 13th of March 2024

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