Work horse vs Show pony

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(Mav's P.O.V.)
"Why is it that when something happens it is always you, Maverick?" John questioned as he sat down and crossed his arms. "Uhm... You want me to answer that?" I asked unsure. Immediatly getting a glare back from John, basically telling me to shut it. "You need to learn that your actions have consequences" he continued, "if you weren't part of the family, I would have you fired" John continued, "so since I am we will let it go just this once?" I questioned hopefully. Rip just clipped the back of my head with his hand, basically telling me to be respectfull. "You will muck the stalls out tomorrow morning" John said turning around, "that's it?" I questioned. Normally I would not only be told to muck out all the stables, but do much worse chores aswell. Which I didn't really mind to be honesr. Yet, this time there was not any other chores or punishments. Therefor I was confused. "Yes. That is all" Rip stated, "after you finish mucking every stable out, you will do nothing".

The next morning

I was up early to muck out the stables. After doing half the stables, the others woke up to stadt the day. "Why are you up so early?" Colby questioned as he lead his horse out the stall, "didn't you hear, he get's to do nothing after he is done mucking out. While we just get put to work extra" Ryan chimmed in with sarcasm lacing his tongue, clearly not enjoying the fact that I was let off so easily after getting myself in trouble. "Isn't he family?" Jimmy questioned looking at the other two. He hasnt been here long so might not know exactly how the relationship is between me and the Duttons. Jimmy was just trying to figure out why I was getting let off easy. "He's more like an apprentice" Lloyd said jokingly as he walked in aswell. "Ha ha" I replied rolling my eyes as I dumped the wet straw in the wheelbarrow. "Well enjoy your break" Ryan said walking out the stable block. Soon the whole crew of wranglers and ranchers left to go out for work. Doing various of jobs and I remained put. I continued silently when suddenly I heard two whinneys, which basically laughed at me. I looked towards Miles and Barley who looked over their shared stall door at me. I hadn't gotten to their stable just yet. "I will get to your stable when I get to it" I told the two with a laugh and continued none the less. Finally after some labour I only had my own horses stable left. I walked into the large double stable and picked up the dirty straw with my pitchfork. Moving around Miles who was peacefully drinking some water. Trying to avoid Barley who was trying to see if I had any treats in my pocket. Thankfully, I was done rather quickly and walked the wheelbarrow towards the straw-pile. After emptying the wheelbarrow and cleaning my hands I now wondered what I could do now. I actually enjoy working on the ranch and even the more chores I got because of punishment didnt bother me so much. For most working hands, being told they woulsnt be doing any work, would be a blessing from the sky. But I loved doing work on the ranch, didn't matter what. So being told I was not allowed to do anything ranch related, irritated me to no end. I almost immediatly felt bored and waiting for something to happen. So I decided to do some training with Miles for the upcoming show. I took my time grooming and tacking Miles up. I lead Miles to the arena while Barley walked after us to keep us company. I looked down at the piece of paper in my hand that held a freestyle reining competition coming up and I wanted to work on that routine.


(Rip's P.O.V.)
While we drove the cattle, Lloyd rode up next to me. "He's not going to like it when he figures out what you actually mean by doing nothing" Lloyd laughed as he brought up Maverick. "Boy's got to learn somehow" I replied simply, "Mav may show horses. But he isn't one himself. Put him to work and he is as happy as a kid during christmas - Jimmy watch the fucking left!". I watched on as Colby helped Jimmy out with wrangling some of the steaglers back to the herd, before continuing my conversation with Lloyd who agreed with my statement. Maverick is a working horse not a show pony. So John and I came to the conclusion that if we start treating him like a show pony that maybe he will learn. That's where the doing nothing rule came from. Lloyd chuckled and shook his head "it might work... but yet I have a feeling that Maverick won't make it easy on us by doing nothing" Lloyd said nodding at Maverick who was riding in the arena.

Published: 23rd of November

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