The foundling

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(Rip's P.O.V.)
I was fixing the fence from pasture 17 when suddenly I heard a peculier sound. It was a sound which you don't hear in Yellowstone. I pulled myself away from the fence and made my way to my horse. I mounted the gelding before steering him to the sound. When I came closer and closer the sound became clearer. It sounded like a crying baby. I dismounted and tied my horse to a nearby tree, before going down to the riverbank. I leaned over the box to take a look inside. "What the hell?" I said when I saw the infant, who immediatly stopped crying upon hearing me talk and just looked up at me eith teary eyes. I grabbed my walki-talki and send out a message.

"Where did you find him?" Mr Dutton asked walking towards me as I reigned my horse through the gate. "Down by the riverbed near pasture 17" I answered and pulled the horse to a halt. John nods as he stopped beside me and looks at the infant in my arms. I had wrapped the small child in my jacket due to the weather suddenly turn to rain. During the ride back to the ranch, he had fallen asleep. John motions for me to hand him the small infant boy that I had previously found. I don't hesitate and hand him over. John looked down at the little boy, who grew slightly fussy, kicking his legs out. Clearly not liking the fact he had been woken up. But he settled down quickly in John's arms. "You didn't see anyone around?" Mr Dutton asked me, "no, Sir" I told him and shook my head. When I found the baby down by the riverbed, I had looked around for a freaked out mother or father. But no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find anybody. No matter how loud I yelled, no one answered. "I think it was on purpose, Sir".  He nodded, completely understanding what I meant. John went inside with the foundling, to call the sherriff. While I went to the barn, to go cool him off. When I finished taking care of the horse, I too went into the main house of the ranch. There I saw that John had handed the child over to one of his sons, while he called the Sherriff. I noticed that the whole family was kind of doting on the boy. Some more than others. But they all seemed interested in the child. Lee had come over and questioned all the same questions that I had previously also asked. Why would someone abandon a baby? Who are his parents? But neither me or Lee could answer them. John came back, with slight annoyence on his face. "What's the matter, Sir?" I asked him. "They can't send anyone here due to the upcoming storm" he scoffed more pissed off with the authorities, rather than the child, "so he stays here for the night?" Jamie questioned, "seems so".

We didn't know it then. But that faithfull night. Changed the way of life on the Dutton Ranch.

16 years later

I walked outside together with Lloyd ready to start the work day. I spotted multiple horses ready to be tacked up. Mine was already tacked up. While Lloyd and the ranch hand horses still had to be tacked up. Yet no one was around. Then out of the barn walked Maverick, I could see that he was carrying Lloyd's saddle. He noticed us "good morning" he greeted while throwing the saddle on Lloyd's horse. "Always the first to be awake, huh, Mav" Lloyd said laughing, "I happily wake up early when I get to work with these beauties" Maverick said patting the horse on the neck. I passed the two to check my tack. Yet, I knew Mav would have done it perfectly. Ever since he learned how to tack up, he has never done it wrong. "If you only would do the same with school" I commented earning an eyeroll from Maverick.

Eventually we where all ready to go out driving the cattle. Meanwhile, Maverick had still tried to get out of school and into a saddle. But none of us let it happen. Like, almost every single morning, we basically had to rope the boy away from the horses. "I'll be back sooner than you think" Mav said as I walked him to Jamie's car. A mischievious glint shined in his eyes when he had said it. "if I get a call from your teacher, I'll bury you where you stand" I warned him. Maverick is known to get into mischief, especially at school. "So here? Or here?" he questioned cheekily while stepping from side to side, "just get your ass in the fucking car" I said trying to contain my laughter as I kicked him in the butt like a parent would when telling their kid to hurry up.

Published: 1st of October 2023

Update request:

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