Part 18: faiyas news

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After 8 months, Angel and Vlad found themselves in Lavender Town as they did every 10 months. Angel needed this break to experience normal life, she prefer to be seen as a village person rather than a queen, despite her status. Vlad was always ready to fulfill any of Angel's desires to keep her happy. However, responsibilities tied to Yuki and the Elementals still lingered, making it challenging for Angel to fully detach.

After the children assisted in tidying up the house, which had been closed for months, they swiftly cleared away the dust, Angel suggested preparing a large meal. The kids were thrilled by the idea. They liked the meal and the company of Yuki and the Elementals, but nothing beat their mother's cooking, which they enjoyed a hundred times more.

Before Angel could begin cooking, they had to visit the market to gather all the necessary ingredients. All of them were eager to do so, except for Yue, Ein, Murasaki, and Misaki, who preferred to relax at home. However, Angel still had six helpers accompanying her. Together, they went to the shopping district and purchased a large amount of food. Carrying everything back to the house, Angel was surprised to find Faiya and Demiurge waiting for them. Sota growled upon seeing Demiurge, showing his disapproval of having him in the house. Angel sensed that something was amiss from the expression on Faiya's face.

" what's wrong?"

Angel asked Faiya, who paused to compose herself. Before she could respond, the snarl from her children overshadowed her own voice. Despite his height, Angel patted Sota on the head, treating him as if he were much younger. Sota, revealing his teeth and clenching his fist, This behaviour was not limited to him; Watari and Wataru were also displaying similar actions.

" don't start Sota"

Angel spoke to him in a soft voice, but his gaze remained fixed on the man who harmed his mother. Tensions were rising in the room, prompting Vlad to intervene and instruct the three boys to step outside and wait. With authority in his tone, Sota and his brother complied with his commands. However, this also raised the alertness of the other children present.

"I have something to share with you before I leave."

Faiya mentioned that she didn't want to create any issues, but Angel reassured her that she wasn't causing any trouble., Angel let Faiya sit at the kitchen table, where they talked . Meanwhile, the other children were kept outside, and although Yue was reluctant to leave, he was escorted out with the rest when the back door was shut.

" I'm sorry for everything but I didn't want to do this without telling you and I know that you're probably still upset with me after what I said to you and I'm still very sorry up to this day"

Faiya spoke while her gaze remained fixed on the table, yet Angel sensed that something was amiss.

" I wasn't mad at you anymore Faiya I was just hurt by it and I needed time to pull myself back together"

Angel acknowledged to herself that Faiya's words had hurt her, along with feeling saddened that Demiurge no longer favored her as he used to. However, it was no longer just about Angel; Coming to terms with the fact that this was no longer possible, she pushed aside those thoughts and put on a smile, directing her attention back to Faiya.

" you promise you won't hate me when I tell you this"

Faiya's expression raised a question, reflecting fear as Angel observed. Despite Faiya's fear, even Demiurge remained silent. Angel assured Faiya of her support as a good friend, yet struggled to keep her emotions in check, realizing that her expectations from Demiurge might not be fulfilled.

" I'm pregnant"

The room fell so silent that a pin drop would have echoed loudly. Angel, taken aback and unsure of what to say or feel, glanced at Demiurge, who remained silent. She then turned back to Faiya in disbelief.

" and when did this happen?"

"About a month ago, or perhaps even earlier, I can't pinpoint the exact time because I wasn't aware of it myself. Then I started feeling strange, and that's when Dr. Takamichi mentioned it."

Faiya held up the ultrasound pictures, and Angel could see the honesty in her eyes. The room fell silent, and Faiya seemed prepared for either a reprimand or a positive reaction from Angel. Angel looked at Faiya, smiled, and embraced her warmly.

" you're not alone on this"

Faiya felt a mix of emotions as this moved her to tears. While she showed appreciation, she also grappled with guilt over past actions and kept apologizing. In their discussion, Faiya and angel pondered names for the baby, regardless of its gender. Amidst some uncertainty, she felt a blend of nerves and eagerness. She debated the need for a baby shower and revealed a preference for a quiet time to unwind instead of a celebratory party.

" I won't pack you with so much work now that we know this news, I can always give the Workload to lock shock and barrel, they enjoy hard labor anyway and guarding the door to Yuki seems to bore them"

Angel smiled as Faiya expressed her gratitude once again. As they departed, vlad came up behind Angel, placing a hand on her shoulder to commend her for what she had done.

" you're getting better at this"

her husband said has she threw herself into his arms still snuggling him

" as long as I have you in my life I think I'll be all right"

She said to him as he held her, her children literally burst through the back door, tumbling over one another, eager to find out what had happened.

While Angel cooked she told her children what was going on with Faiya, Some were happy that she could see that Sota and the others weren't she couldn't tell what mayu thought about it as she was burying her face in the book not answering to the news. she probably felt the same way Angel did but there was nothing they could do he had moved on and things are just going to have to get better from there. Something's been really get better at least that's what Angel started to see has there seem to be a couple of issues going on with the Elementals that made things a lot harder for her

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