Part 6: the fight with danger

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I was finally able to find out that wolf spirit was the childhood friend i met back in the real world, my husband didn't like wolves at all, i did try to have them join us on peaceful grounds but my husband was not having it. I didn't know what else to do and when we did try to support the money grounds with the craze maniac Gengoku Using wolf to get to me so I could be his bride made my husband believe that wolf was probably working for him

I understood why half of my sons were not okay with having an outsider join yuki-oni, and every time wolf would come to visit me he would be sent back home by Zero or my husband. I thought my friends had moved on from being so overprotective but ever since coming back from the honeymoon it just seemed to start up all over again

after a while I decided to cut things off as it was starting to make me wonder if my husband was not comfortable with having wolf around me all the time, I didn't want to make him mad or make him feel like that I was choosing a childhood friend over my love when I did cut it off I could see the expression in his eyes was hurt And betrayal. I was a little sad that I did so and when my husband found out he wondered why I would do such a thing but even though I told him why he didn't want me to feel like I have to choose between him and what made me happy

and made me realize that I made a mistake but the deed was done and that was it. Before I cut things off with wolf spirit I remember him telling me that her friends from the other world was here, the hard part was finding them and stopping them. so far we were able to stop Christopher, Glenn, and Alex. I didn't know what these three were up to but it seems like they were up to having revenge for some reason. I believe that they were being possessed by something evil but when Zero looked over them they were not being controlled or brainwashed

Making me sad to know that they're doing this out of spite and hatred. I did try to make peace with Wolf and his friends but that went the wrong way when his Butler Luca cornered me in a room and took off my brooch on one of my missions to find Brian. Lucas stared at me in disbelief on seeing my Angelic form, I could tell by the looking his eyes that he had never seen an angel such as I with six wings and a ticking clock that covered itself in gold and Crystal

I couldn't make anything right and my health started to deplete once again leaving me to be absent for long periods, I was given a long period of bed rest as my husband and the others took care of everything but when I was well enough I was given notice by my fox friend Mimi that the three prisoners that were being helped in the Elementals somehow summoned a demon to destroy the town. It Was a Race Against Time and I had everyone that could help me stop the Beast if they could, Lavender Town was evacuated as fast as possible, and with the help of my friends we were able to stop the beast but little did we know that it was going to self-destruct

I used every bit of my power to Shield everything from the blast, In doing so I would have to break into my Archangel form that I keep hidden, my six wings had diamonds as I wore a long Angelic dress, and my hair was longer than before as I had Bangles on both of my wrists and one on my left ankle. it felt nice to be in this form since it's been so long, I cast a spell to Counteract with the explosion but in doing so I ended up passing out and used up a lot of my powers in the end.

When I woke up I saw that I was still in my Angelic form with Vlad and a lot of people over me talking but I couldn't hear as there was ringing in my ears, I felt so drained of energy that I couldn't even move or speak, when I try to speak trying to get lots of tension I just ended up passing out again. when I woke up again I saw that I was in my room and vlad was there in the bed reading a book. I did try to speak to get his attention but it was no good as he looked my way and took me by the hand

" you're safe my love you don't need to worry"

I could tell by the sound of his voice he was exhausted, he noticed that I couldn't speak and helped me use telepathy. that way the two of us could talk to each other without me struggling to speak to him. he told me what happened and he was upset that I would do something like that that almost killed me, he told me that Lily had to use some sort of sorum so I would go back into my angel form as a lot of eyes would have been on me if I was ever in my true form

I wanted to cry because I was scared and I thought my husband hated me but he reassured me that everything is fine and that he was not mad. he told me the condition of wolf and the others and that they were doing fine. after a full week I was able to walk a little bit and talk, thanks to Tanaka and Vlad taking turns monitoring me and helping me get to point A to point B. I couldn't picture my life without them. and my family was happy as well

That day i wanted to be with my death tree, i love being outside but everyone was just way to worried to leave me alone, Luna and Galaxia asked me to return to my room where it was safe but i didnt want to. Someone pushed past the maids and there i saw wolf. He was happy to see me and cried as he begged for forgiveness. I was never mad at him, i just wanted to protect him. Wolf chose to stay within Yuki as he wished to be by my side but sadly my husband didn't like  that and sent all of them to different areas 

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