Part 12: A New Family for 2

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Angel pov)

When coming back to my senses, I apologized to Vlad a lot; he wasn't mad at me and understood how i could get when dealing with demiurge, i felt the need just to run and scream a lot.

"Please don't hate me!"

I shouted as he only sighed when seeing me freak out

"Angel stop, im not mad ok"

He said, crossing his arms, but i wouldn't stop until he forgave me

"I forgive you, my love. Now eat and drink this"

He said, putting down some breakfast

I started carving the pancake while crying and still asking vlad to forgive me; he enjoyed me and took care of me, watching me while i ate when i was finished, he held me in his arms while i cried and ask for forgiveness for things i believed i did to him but didn't.

"I'm sorry I called you fat!"

I cried as he patted my back

"Im sorry i stole money from you and spent it on candy"

He tryed not to laugh while i was confessing my sins

"Im sorry i don't wear underwear under my dresses, im sorry i didnt cook you breakfast today and didnt tell you how much i love you"

I fell asleep soon after and woke up when hearing vlad talking to someone. When my eyes opened i saw he wasn't in the room with me, i got out of bed and headed to the living room and saw he was talking to faiya at the door. I stayed by the doorway of our room and listened

Vlad closed the door and turned to see me; he smiled and told me faiya was worried about me

"I feel sick"

I told him and before he could say anything I threw up, and all day i was in bed. Vlad started to pack our things and wanted to take me home, knowing i needed help

"Stay here, and I'll go pay for our room."

He said giving me a kiss on the forehead and left the room, i had no strength to stop him so i went to sleep hoping this sickness would go away. Not knowing how long i was asleep i woke up to find myself in my room. I tryed moving but felt somthing in the bed with me


I called out but heard nothing, i scented the smell of who was holding me and realised it was somthing slimy and heavy and by touch, i could feel the scales. I moved my hand up and down tried to see if i knew who this was, and then smiled when i heard a soft hiss

"kuro, Shiro"

I called then looked to see their eyes glowing in the dark, I smiled and sigh happily and rolled over hugging one of their bodys falling back to sleep.

Vlad pov)

While angel spelt, vlad talked to tanaka and luna about Angel's illness starting up again and how Worried Everyone was starting to get

I thought she was doing better now but I guess those were prayers going unheard of

Luna said, knowing what her master was feeling and would have to be bed-bound for a couple of days. Vlad took this opportunity to talk to Dr. Takamichi about her illness as he was trying to work quickly to find a cure to stop it

"it's a good thing she's not pregnant or else this would have probably killed it"

The doctor said with a sigh

Yes, but..i need your help, im scared that this time she might-

"Don't you worry, vlad"

The doctor said, cutting him off

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