Past Relationships

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Being Aroace you can have past relationships I had 4 one was with a boy in grade 5 I ended it because it felt weird two was with a girl in grade 6 who I don't understand who she is anymore well she ended it with me and I was kinda glad three was with a girl in grade 7 she used me and never loved me at the end of the relationship I ended up wanting to die cause that's when I felt like I wasn't good enough and being used made me hate myself and lucky last my poly relationship in grade 8 horrible very horrible 1 of the people made a lot of drama 2 was a psycho 3 made me feel shit about myself and they were all suicidal yeah I forgot the warning but yeah all troubled teenagers I broke up with 2 of them and one of them broke up with me thank god online dating is fuckin horrible! Never online date!!!! I had a bad time with it anyway dating stupids were harder than you think when you realize your Aroace like for me the world isn't easy ✨Homophobia✨ sadly is a common thing in this world but who knows one day ✨Homophobia✨ won't be so common and I'll make sure if I adopt a kid I'll make sure they know Idiots are homophobic dumb c*nts are ungrateful brats who never had a family and who will never have a true life with no one because they need to learn that Lgbtqia people exist and that person isn't the richest person in the world the little brat who needs to shut the fuck up about my sexuality and my gender! Alright so now if you want anything to talk about just comment any questions or just want to say you came out or whatever no rude shit I hope you all have an amazing Easter 🐰🥚🧺

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