2|| Shadows and Secrets

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Serene's POV:

Days turned into weeks, the melody of the valley marred by an unsettling silence. Curiosity, a spark that often landed me in difficult situations, gnawed at me for days. The tense silence blanketing the Moonfall Pack grew heavier with each passing sunrise. The playful banter and boisterous training  sessions I was accustomed to hearing throughout the valley was gone, replaced by a chilling silence. My own haven which was usually vibrant with the melody of nature, felt eerily quiet.

The vision from the nightshade, a chilling shadowy figure draining life force, wouldn't leave my mind. It resonated closely with the tense atmosphere surrounding the pack. The thought of them hiding something ate away my brain. Though I was not a formally a member of the pack, but I considered them as neighbors' and even protectors. This problem wasn't just theirs; it threatened the very fabric of supernatural existence.

Ignoring the nagging voice of caution, I decided to take a risk. Under the cover of twilight, I ventured towards the Pack lodge. It was an imposing structure built from ancient oak wood beams and was adorned with intricate carvings depicting wolves and moon. My heart hammered a frantic rhythm  against my ribs as I inched closer, the scent of woodsmoke and damp earth filling my nostrils.

A low growl, primal and territorial, erupted from somewhere within the pack border which I had just crossed. I froze, the hairs on the back of my neck prickling. Fear coursed through me. I had completely forgotten about the warriors that patrolled this side of the border at night. Oh moon goddess! please save me,  I was an outsider, trespassing on forbidden territory.

As I debated to retreat, a hulking figure emerged from the treeline. A deep growl rumbled from his throat.  A long scar marred his right cheek, starting from the ear to the chin. It was Beta Elijah. He had an intimidating persona, and his aura  was one that held raw power.

"Who is so daring to trespass on the moonfall pack land?" his voice boomed tinged with anger and  wariness.

As I opened my mouth to reply, nothing came out, my voice was caught in my throat. After trying for a few seconds I was finally able to speak. "I....I came for peace."

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