3|| The Argument

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Serene's POV:

I jolted upright , my breath caught in my throat as the cold water hit my body, the sensation chilling my skin. For a moment, I was disoriented, my mind a foggy maze. Where was I? Why was I drenched? The room around me was stark-a gray cell, its walls closing in like the bars of a cage.

I pushed damp hair from my face, my fingers trembling. Last night-it came back in fragments.
My venture into the moonfall pack territory, encounter with the beta and him locking me in the dungeons.

My gaze then went to the two guards that stood just outside the bars, their expression stoic. One of them clears his throat, and I focus on him-a tall man with a scar across his cheek. His eyes bore into mine, assessing.

"Get up," he commands, his voice devoid of warmth. "The Alpha wants to see you."

I perk up hearing him, "The Alpha wants to meet me?" I ask my voice hoarse from crying last night.

The second guard-a woman with a stern face-shifts her weight. "Questions later," she says. "For now, follow us."

I push myself to my feet, legs trembling. The guards unlock the cell, and I step out, my bare feet sinking into the cold stone floor. We reach a heavy door labeled as interrogation room, the guards shoved me roughly into the dimly lit room, the heavy oak door slamming shut behind them. The stale air hung thick with the scent of damp stone and something metallic I couldn't quite place.

My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs, echoing the pounding of bare feet against the stone floor as the guards retreated. A few minutes stretched into an eternity, each tick of the unseen clock a tiny hammer blow against my already frayed nerves. Just as I began to contemplate a daring escape (a foolish notion, I knew), the heavy door creaked open again.

Two figures entered, their silhouettes framed by the sliver of moonlight spilling through the doorway. The taller one, his broad shoulders filling the doorway, radiated a raw power that sent shivers down my spine.

Even in the dim light, I could tell he was a warrior, every line of his imposing physique honed for battle. His face, half-hidden in shadow, held a scowl that could curdle milk. This was Alpha Kai Stonefang, I realized with a jolt, his reputation preceding him in hushed whispers throughout the valley. He was everything I expected - intimidating, powerful, and undeniably handsome.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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