Final Warning

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A/N: Yeah this was supposed to be up 2 weeks ago, and then last week, but here it is! I'll probably be late again, the schedule is fucked <(('-'))> Next update whenever :P


"You made these?" Royal Consort Alanis Argyros wanted to know as soon as I walked out of the staff door with a tray of steaming apple cinnamon rolls.

"Umm... Yes?" I replied but it came out as more of a question. I glanced over at the two behind the register, trying to silently appeal for an explanation but both Hina and Emraude shrugged helplessly.

The Royal Consort was as stunning a sight to behold as ever, made even more outstanding by the formal looking robes he wore. A light undershirt was tucked neatly into dark-red palazzo pants that draped on the floor so you couldn't see his feet. Hung lightly over his shoulders, he wore a loose-fitting, black and red floral-patterned cloak. His alabaster arms were thin compared to the large sleeves they emerged from.

His fine ebony hair curtained his flawless face, despite half of it being tied up in an elegant, fanned bun, it still draped all the way to his narrow waist. A ruby-red, crystal feather glittered beautifully above his left ear complimenting the contrast of his dark hair and fair complexion. Encircling his fair, slender neck was a plain, black, leather collar.

He smiled brightly through full, coral lips. A defined cupid's bow crowning his perfect teeth, the two in front slightly larger than the rest, not unlike a bunny's.

Pedestrians tried to peek through the windows to get a glimpse of him after noticing the guards outside.

"Great! I'll take the whole batch!" The Royal Consort proclaimed, his inky eyes glued to the tray.

Despite this unexpected sequence of events I managed to maintain my composure. The Royal Consort was certainly excitable but there had to be a more substantial reason for his visit than buying cinnamon rolls.

I walked the full tray straight over to Hina and Emraude and gestured for them to pack it up.

"Your Grace... We do offer delivery services, it's not necessary to personally visit." I tried to say it in the most polite way. A visit from the Royal Consort was great for business, we'd definitely gotten busier since booking the Royal Engagement. However an extended visit usually prevented a dinner rush due to all of the security. Most of the afternoon baked goods would have to be sold at half price in the morning.

He waved his hand in dismissal, "I wanted to bring you this personally." He held up a large yellow envelope. Suddenly I felt nervous.

"Oh... is that...?"

"I wanted you to at least have a look at it. Your manager sent over your resume and a stellar reference. We can discuss any changes whenever you're free. Also," He leaned in closer and covered his mouth with his hand as he whispered, "There's a personal invitation to the engagement feast from me." The sweet smell of honeysuckle wafted off of him when he moved, the scent lingering on the envelope he handed me.

"I... Thank you, Your Grace." I inclined my head slightly as I took the envelope from him. It was a lot heavier than it looked, no doubt it included an NDA with many confidential clauses. Despite the intimidating paperwork, many would kill for the opportunity to work in the palace. Thousands applied to be attendants every year but only a handful of new attendants were chosen each year. Any other position required special skills, connections and the correct gender status. Even though I was basically being given a free ride, I couldn't help the wave of apprehension that rolled through me.

I had no doubt that the Royal Consort's offer was genuine and generous. Even without looking I knew there would be an amazing salary, benefits and familial support. Who could possibly say 'No'?

Royals & WretchesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora