Where You Belong

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A/N: I'm so glad I got this out on time! When I tell you I STRUGGLED with this chapter. No idea why but I started over twice, the second time I scrapped an entire 2500 words! Anyway! You might need some water.


"I don't think we should be in here." I whispered skeptically as I tip-toed behind Mika into the throne room.

The Prince had no such reservations, he strode confidently into the empty room while I tried to make myself smaller, trailing behind.

The room was impossibly big, I felt even my whispers echoing back. Mika snorted loudly and the sound ripped through the quiet room like a chainsaw.

"My father's in Buiris, who could possibly have the authority to kick me out?" He dared.

"The council members?" I tried.

He rolled his eyes, "I'd like to see that slimy prick try, all the other old farts are just waiting for my dad to retire. If Aemon really thinks he'll still be a council member after I'm King he really is delusional." He grabbed my hand, making my heart jump around noisily as he interlocked his weapon-calloused fingers with mine.

Mika pulled me all the way down the carpeted walkway. There was no seating, just a huge empty hall with a deep purple carpet that stretched all the way from the large imposing doors to the throne at the end. It was amazing how a few people could change the atmosphere of the place. During the day the hall was filled with dignitaries and nobles alike. Attendants fluttered in and out, providing refreshments and equipment as necessary. The crystal chandelier shone like an indoor sun.

Now it was barely lit, only a few pairs of scattered gold wall sconces dimly illuminated the hall and the throne. The throne itself was magnificent of course. Marble steps extended from the walkway to the base of the throne at least two meters above, the lush purple carpet continuing all the way up the steps and to the throne. Have no doubt, it was still a chair. It had no legs but instead consisted of multiple polished slabs of marble assembled together to form an elegant and rather large throne able to seat two comfortably. The seat and backrest were fitted with purple velvet lined with gold thread. The armrests were carved mounds of marble also covered by cushion, velvet and gold. The crest of the royal family was also embroidered into the headrest in gold.

Mika pulled me straight towards the throne, ignoring my stiff legs, only letting go once we had ascended the steps to the throne. He released my hand and sauntered straight over to the throne. He smiled cooly as he turned to face me and leaned back to sprawl lazily on the throne. His long legs callously draped over one of the armrests with his head leaned back against the backrest.

He said nothing but seemed to be waiting for me, watching me. Gold and purple flickering in his crystalline eyes.

It took me only a moment to figure out what he wanted.

My apprehension vanished. I took a confident step forward so that I was in front of the throne. Mika watched as my right hand went to my left shoulder. My right foot drew back and I went down onto my left knee, my head bent low in respect.

"My King." I greeted. When I looked up at Mika again he was still watching me. The ghost of a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth.


"So," Alanis mused from the passenger seat of my mech. An electronic tablet resting in his lap. "What excuse did you tell Mika for this little excursion?" We were traveling through space at warp speeds. The inside of the mech was completely stable despite dodging asteroid belts, gravitational pulls and orbits of the numerous planets, satellites and stars as we hurtled through galaxies.

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