IX) The Forgotten

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"Hmm," she said. I kept watching Percy and Annabeth, they were walking quite far apart but I could see Percy glancing at her.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"I don't know, we should probably search for who Kronos is working with since he isn't working alone now"

"Good idea."

We got to the van and Annabeth sat in the front with Percy, we all sat in the back except this time I sat next to Annie so we could discuss what to do.

It was surprising how little Thalia and Leo teased us, everyone was quiet actually. I guess the air seemed quite tense since Annabeth showed up.

We kept driving but Percy didn't tell us where. I could see him glance at Annabeth everyone once in a while, he really cared about her. Soon we all fell asleep and Percy parked the car so he could rest too. It was quite difficult to fall asleep I didn't really know why, most nights I would sleep easily but tonight, I stayed up. It seems like Percy felt that way too since he didn't sleep either.

"When do I develop feeling?" I asked him.

He seemed a little startled but nevertheless answered, "Well, I think I like her the whole time," He chuckled a little, "I remember I got jealous every time she looked at Luke, I always felt the need to protect her, even though at the time I knew she was better than me at fighting." He said looking at me. "Why do you ask?"

"I don't know, it feels weird, and sad? I didn't think I liked Annabeth but I dont- I don't know, it feels selfish, all this shits happening and I'm talking about.."

"Yeah, I get it."

"When did you propose?" I asked.

"Not too long ago, but I've been thinking about it for a while, I don't think I could live without her," he said glancing at Annabeth, who was sleeping soundly. "I can't lose her. She can't forget, she can't."

"She won't. We'll get him." I said

"Go to sleep, we need the rest." He smiled at me sadly. His bright sea green eyes looking dull and broken.

I fell asleep and immediately got pulled into a nightmare, great.

In the dream, I saw myself but I was older, maybe not as old as the other Percy through, the guy had less scars, he wore dark shades and was asleep, he was pale and dead looking.

A boy stood next to him, he looked even more dead than the sleeping boy did and the sleeping boy looks really dead.

The dead boy watched the sleeping boy carefully, it was kinda creepy.

In a matter of minutes the dark sky shone with light, and the boy woke up.

"What happened?" The dead boy asked, he wore all black clothing and was very, very pale.

"You didn't sleep last night?" I asked. Well it's me but not me, does that make sense.

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter, what happened?" He asked again.

"He said I have to fight him while asleep and I could die in there."

The dead boy got up and started pacing around, "Fight him, in a dream? I think he's just tricking you, it's too dangerous." He said while stroking his chin.

"It's our only lead." I countered.

"I know!" He yelled, "But it's still too dangerous."

A boy who looked like an older version of Jason woke up confused, "Why am I always waking up to yelling?" He asked.

Then the dream blurred and shifted to somewhere else.

Annabeth was, crying? Why? She stood at the door of a house, I guess its her house? I don't know.

A little boy walked down the stairs and Annabeth tried to hide her tears.

"Annie?" He boy asked

"Hey, Bobby," she said still sniffling alittle but I managed a smile.

"Why are you sad?"

"I'm not sa-"

"You are, you look sad, you're smile, it looks fake."

She didn't answer, she looked at the brink of tears, again.

He ran up to and hugged her, "I'm sorry Annie, I'm sorry."

She let a silent tear fall.

"Hey," she said tilting his face so he would face her, "There's nothing to be sorry for, I'll be fine."

"You look, sad, very sad, I never seen you this sad, it makes me sad." He said, looking at the brink of tears himself.

She hugged him tighter.

She quickly led Bobby back to another boy's room, probably her other brother, where he promptly fell back asleep.

When a woman walked down, she looked at her worried, since her eyes were still quite bloodshot, she quickly dismissed it and the woman didn't question it. She gave her her lunch and she was off.

I saw a girl with red hair comforting a gril who looked like an older version of Piper.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Annabeth asked her.

"He- he." Piper stuttered in between sniffles.

"He broke up with her." The red head whispered while patting Pipers back.

"Why?" Annabeth whispered back.

"He's moving to some place where he won't be able to contact her." She said quietly.

Annabeth looked sad again.

"Pipes," She said looking at her sadly. "I'm so sorry."

"But why? He said he loved me, is this love?" Tears made their way down Piper's cheeks slowly.

"Pipes," Annabeth slowly pulled her into a hug, the halls were quite empty since it was still so early but she glared at anyone who stared at her friend.

Annabeth looked mad as tears drilled down her face too, she quickly dabbed them away before anyone noticed.

Then the dream shifted again. A loud voice boomed.

Puny hero, you think you can defeat me?

That's hilarious

You will die, with the rest of them, that's a promise.

Well I guess it's not gonna happen

Funny, the other said that too.

What? The other?

I asked him but it was too late, the dream shifted and I started waking up.




I slowly blinked away my dream as I saw Annie looking at me worried. I quickly sat up and almost hit her in the head but thankfully I didn't. I looked around cautiously to see that everyone was trying to wake Percy up too.

Please, read the other camp, it's heavily connected to this story, it won't make sense unless you read that too.

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