9: The Best of Both Worlds

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This bonus chapter is dedicated to Ross, with thanks again for all the support you have given me!

This time, the meeting was in some corporate office space. Somehow it felt more like a traditional interview, with Jordan and a selection of suited men and women I didn't recognise sitting down the other side of the table. Only one figure stood out from the crowd; she was smaller than me, and it was hard to believe she was actually an adult. She was sitting a little way back from the table when I entered, and took off her shades but didn't say anything as all the businesspeople filtered in. Another model, I guessed, but maybe one a little more familiar with this niche.

Miss Jordan nodded to me and to the other girl when she entered, and she looked to be in a good mood. She was sitting in the middle of the group, and they all seemed to be watching her responses, so I guessed that she was the one who would be making all the decisions. I took a deep breath, and I was sure that I would have been mentally rehearsing my lines if I had any idea what I was expected to say.

"Narek," Jordan opened with the simplest introduction possible. I nodded, and she continued without too many formalities: "It seems that you've managed to get the interest of many of our customers. We shared the initial advertisement series with test audiences, and it seems that they like you. Not least because we've seen some fanfic about you already."

"Fan..." I started, just a little confused. "You mean..."

"Some people have got it into their heads to write stories about the character you're representing. Apparently, they've decided that your name is Genevieve. I'm not sure where that came from, although some people have commented that you have some resemblance to Captain Jennykins."

"I see..." I said, but I really didn't know what to make of that revelation. I'd been in a couple of magazine ads, and I already had fans? It seemed hard to believe, but then I thought that there was probably a very small amount of media targeted to this particular group, so perhaps that meant that it was easier to become famous. I was also trying to remember where I'd heard the name Captain Jennykins before; it sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. "Does that mean that there's the potential for this to be an ongoing role? I would be quite happy to continue working with you, if you think it would be effective for your brand."

I glanced across at the other model then, sitting to one side of the room like she wasn't actually a part of this interview. I wondered if she was my competition. Would she be out of work if they decided to keep going with Genevieve ads? Or would we be working together? I had no idea whether she was going to be interviewed after me, or if they were planning to ask her something as part of the same discussion, but she seemed quite calm. It probably wasn't my place to ask anything about her; but I hoped that she wouldn't lose out because of my apparent popularity. But I couldn't let myself think too much about that. In this industry, it was every woman for herself. Or himself, as the case might be.

"I think we can certainly make use of you," Miss Jordan was saying, and I couldn't tell if she was just talking to me, or to both of us. "Given that the audience seems to be running with it, some of our creative staff have been thinking about developing a more in-depth backstory for your character. And that is why we thought it would be beneficial to talk to you today. You mentioned a partner who might be willing to join you on the set, I believe."

"Yes," I nodded, my heart suddenly racing. I hadn't said anything about this to Yana yet, but I had no doubt that she would be perfectly willing if I told her to do it. Maybe she would be nervous if offered the job, but there was no way she would argue if I told her she was doing it. The thrill of having the choice made for her would be all the persuasion she needed. "Yes, her name's Yana. She saw the copy of the ad you sent me, and she was curious. I'm pretty sure I would be able to persuade her to give it a try. She's driven by curiosity, you see, willing to try everything once. If you want two girls in one shoot, we'd probably look more natural together."

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