17. The Night of Your Dreams

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This chapter is dedicated to babysofia1234, with thanks again for all your support!

Yana blushed and squirmed in my lap. I could feel the uncertainty radiating off her; she wasn't sure what had happened, or what was going to happen, so my guidance was the only rock she could cling to. And that degree made me so glad that I'd chosen her; but also made me feel like somehow I might not be worthy of that much trust. She tried so hard, and she would do anything I asked. Should I have done more to earn her affection?

I could understand her being embarrassed. It wasn't exactly the first time she had wet her diapers, of course. We'd had them for a few weeks now, and occasionally experimented with the emotions that bubbled up when I treated her like she was a little baby. But if I understood her reaction correctly, this was the first time she'd had a genuine accident. She felt guilty, somehow, and I had to reassure her, to let her know that it was normal for baby girls. Once she knew that this was a part of my plan, I could see that she was still nervous but she was also willing to go along with whatever I wanted her to do.

"Are you okay if we leave you a little while before changing, princess?" I asked. "We don't want to run out of diapers too soon, do we?"

She didn't answer, and just shook her head. It wasn't clear right away which question she was even answering, but with Yana it was usually safe to assume that she wanted to go along with whatever I decided. So we sat down on the couch, and I found something silly on the TV that looked like it was aimed at kids a little younger than she had ever acted in these childish scenarios. I'd been looking for cartoons, all the better to remind her that she was just a little one and to make her feel helpless, but this turned out to be some weird combination of live footage and computer animation, about a couple of little kids trying to help a possessed Canadian teddy bear steal a painting from the Städel Museum. It could have been a decent show, but I couldn't follow what was going on because all my attention was on Yana.

She blushed and squirmed against me as she watched the show, and my feelings for her were unexpectedly wholesome in that moment. I just loved to see her having fun, and her body was nothing to do with it. I started to wonder if perhaps this was what parents felt; why someone would be willing to put their life on hold to look after kids. It was certainly fulfilling enough, although I didn't know if I would be able to give up everything else. Good for me, then, that I had a baby girl who could turn back into an adult most of the time. And then I was sure that I understood what the daddies got out of this weird little fantasy. I still didn't really understand why Yana would enjoy it so much, but it was clear that she was having a great time.

When the show ended, she turned around to hug me again. And then I decided that it was probably time for a diaper change. I didn't want her to stay in a wet diaper for too long, after all. Even if the special gel in those diapers was supposed to guard against a rash as well as further taking away her control the longer she wore them.

"Does my little girl need her soggy butt changing?" I asked, and felt a different set of emotions come to the front in my own mind. She was still my girlfriend, after all. And while I was trying to let her be innocent now, would she still be acting like a child once I got her out of the diaper? It was easy to imagine that she would be so excited that she would have to have adult thoughts again; especially with the thrill of how helpless she had been.

What was even weirder was that I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to happen now. I was enjoying myself like this. I was sure that if we set the childish behaviour on one side for now, so she was an adult again, the sex would be incredible. But at the same time I was having so much fun with my baby girl that a part of me just wanted to carry on protecting and caring for her. That wasn't like me at all, but I decided that I shouldn't think too much about things like that. I could do what seemed natural in the moment, based on my own urges and how Yana seemed to want to behave. That would be best for everyone.

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