Eyes | Chapter 11

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The creaking of the fiery kingdom can be heard even from miles away, the lava flowing as if it has a place to be. The steam and warmth flowed through the crevices of the walls and floors. The darkness and the eeriness consumed those brave enough to step foot inside those broken walls. That's where you woke up, your being in the dim but hot place of your cage. Nothing was heard other than the creaks of your cell and the screams of the lava that moved below you. You didn't want to dare look below, but you did out of curiosity. To test if your ears were hearing right, and once you did the dawn of your potential fate started seeping into your mind. "I...I can't be here again..." Your voice croaked, you sat on your knees and hands, getting your white gloves dirty. You felt doomed, your mind trying to process how you got here. Soon realizing you were in Bowser's castle, who else had a mansion like this? Soon wondering where everyone else was, you look around you to see if anything, or anyone was there. But you were completely alone. There was a platform in front of the cell you stayed in, making you realize how high up you were. With no way you could think of getting out, you stayed still until someone came. The giant doors creaked open, the groan echoed through the walls. You peer over the cell bars to see a familiar man. "YOU! IT WAS YOU! YOU TRAITOR!" You yelled out without hesitation, shaking the bars with one hand as you pointed to the man below. His head jolted upwards to look at you, "Awake now are we?" he said with a sly look, "What do you mean traitor? I didn't do anything to be considered one." Your heart dropped, wanting to punch and shake the very cell you were in, feet above the lava below you. "I thought I could trust you! This is YOUR fault!" You reply, your voice shaky. "We were only together for a couple of days, princess. Do you really think sharing a few meals considered you my friend?" Waluigis voice didn't seem even a but upset, he seemed rather cocky and naive. "You're the one who..." You groaned at his audacity, this caused him to laugh, and his snarky little laugh made you burn even more. "The one who what, Princess?" He waited for more of your yelling and screaming. Your eyes became teary as you stared him down. Anger in your eyes as you did so. "Why are you here? Why am I here?" You questioned with a knot in your throat. You could hear him softly hum, "Do you remember the thing I said when I met you? When I told you I only wanted Bowser's riches?" This made your heart sink to your stomach, he only traded you in so he could get some money. He was trouble. "You should have listened when everyone was telling you I was a thief, but it seemed I stole more than just the princess herself." His voice annoyed you, you watched him turn around to leave the room. Probably to tell Bowser you were awake or something. You wanted to talk back so he didn't get the last word, but you couldn't think of anything to say so you sobbed in your cage. 

With nowhere else to go you waited in the cage, you were unsure of how long it had been but it felt like hours. You were tired of waiting in this stupid, hot, metal cage. You started to think "What if it just snapped and fell into the lave right now?" You didn't want to think about it. It only made you more anxious. The doors open once again, in the same way they did last time but a little more quicker. "Mario!" you called out to him, "Ah! Princess!" He said in a hushed tone, "Do you know how I can get you down?" You start to think, "No, I don't know...I haven't seen anyone come in here besides Waluigi." You say. Mario looks up at you, he seems to be upset "Waluigi!?" He already knew what was happening by now, "I'm gonna go find that bastard and force him to get you down!" He stormed out. "Wait! But he might get you too! He's working for Bowser!" You yell out to him, but your words don't stop him. He left, and the door creaked as it closed. You groan, not wanting to sit here alone for another who knows how long. You sit in a fetal position, trying to think of your friends to get your current situation off your mind. You couldn't believe Waluigi had done this to you, after the escape the two of you went through. Everyone was right, he was a monster, a cheater, a thief, and everything else under the sun. You almost want to cry, but you remind yourself "he isn't a friend, at least  not anymore." You calm yourself down by thinking of your friends, you wonder if Mario was here alone or not but to you, he likely was. 

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