Lakitu | Chapter 6

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"Go take a shower. I'll clean your clothes." You offered. "Hell no, I don't want you seeing my underwear!" He remarked, you rolled your eyes. "Who cares what your underwear looks like!?" You replied. "I do! And you certainly care a lot about what it looks like." He mocked, "Just get me new clothes if you insist.". You make an angry face as you groan, "Gonna make me walk you, old man?". "You're the one who's making me shower, love." He remarked, "I'm not that older than you either, so shut up." his tone was bossy but playful. You were taken aback by his words, "I'm gonna kill you one day. Maybe lock you in another dungeon, forever perhaps." You hissed. "Look at me a pretty little princess throwing a princess fit." He mocked, trying to make his voice higher. You hit his arm, a little hard, "You better be grateful! Go shower, stinky." he exclaimed. Your gestures made him laugh as he went to the bathroom.

You went to the designer who was fixing up your dress, "Welcome Princess! Welcome!" She beamed, "What can I do for you?" She says rummaging through the stuff in the building. "Do you think you have anything for Waluigi? He needs new clothes." You muttered, your voice a little guilty. "Of course! Of course! Give me a moment to find something that could fit him..." She answered as she hastily went to the back of her store. She was so quick about getting him new clothes, "does he need any...underwear too?" She faltered, "Yes, he does." You say, rolling on your heels. "Here you go, sweet pea!" The designer says, handing you a bag of folded clothes. "Thank you, it means a lot! I'll make sure to repay you." You assured before leaving to get back to the hotel. "He should be done bu now..." You thought, using the keys to get back in. "I've got your clothes." You holler, hearing a door slam. It was probably him going back into the bathroom. "Augh, finally. Took you long enough." He hissed, "hope it wasn't too much trouble, yeah?". You groan to yourself as you make your way to the bathroom door, "It's like being a slave to a homeless person." You say sarcastically, rolling your eyes as you hand him the bag. "Technically we're both homeless right now." He stated, grabbing the bag through the crack of the door and closing it.

You groan again, turning around onto the bed to fall on top of. You shouldn't have been doing all this walking, you just wanted to get home to be with the others. You enjoyed being in the pool and playing tennis with them. Though, they really made you question about your life sometimes. Where it was headed, if you will find love, or maybe you will be like your sister? You're never too old for college. It was like you never had strong desires before, it felt out of place. "Hey, hello!? Are you listening?" You hear Waluigi trying to get your attention, you get your face out of the bed and look up at him. His form loomed over you. He seemed a little annoyed, but the clothes he had on fit him really well. A purple polo shirt, and some nice dark-blue pants that had a subtle flare at the bottom. "So. What are you dreaming about?" He said with a mischievous smirk. You glare at him, immediately shoving a pillow at him. He steps back and fumbles the pillow. "Thinking about being home, that's what." You snarled, crossing your arms as you sit on the bed. "Whoa, no need to be so aggressive, Princess." He snickered while dropping the pillow back on the bed you sat on. Your gaze looks up at him and then down, examining his outfit. The same smirk stays on his face, "You like it?" He asks, getting closer to the bed. "It's half better than the overalls." You reply. This makes him scoff, "There's nothing to make you happy, is there?" He sassed. "No, not from you." You say with a soft laugh. You peer over to the side of him and noticed the comic book you gave him sitting on the night stand.

"How'd you like it?" You ask, swiftly grabbing the comic book and standing behind Waluigi. He seemed flustered for a moment before clearing his throat, "It was...alright. The ending sucked." He says with his hands in his pockets. You flipped through the comic, "so you don't want the next book?" You added, looking at the back of the comic book. You seem intrigued by it and Waluigis words. "Ah, well, only if you want to." He whispered. "Only if I want to what? Huh?" You teased, putting the book down. You stepped around him, "Let's go get something to eat, we can ask if anyone knows where Lakitu lives." You suggest as you make your way to the door. "Oh right, I forgot about that." The man said in an annoyed tone, "what's the progress on your dress?" He asks and the two of you walk out of the hotel. "She's still working on it. It should be done by tomorrow. I don't think I'll wear it with the rest of our trip though..." You explained to him. He grunted. The two of you got something to eat, while asking people you came by if they knew someone named Lakitu. Eventually someone who sat near your table overheard your conversation. "Hey, if you're looking for Lakitu, he should be west of this street, not far away from here." The koopa said. "Oh, thank you!" You chirped. You turned around to face Waluigi who was eating a fat taco, "What?" He says, biting into it. "Nothing, just got one step closer to finding him." You beamed, taking a bite into your food. Waluigi raised an eyebrow, "West from here can be anywhere in the west area." He adds. "Yeah, but they said that it was close in the west from here, so that means we are close. One step closer to Lakitu." You corrected. He grunted with a mouth full of food, "Whatever." He grumbled.

The two of you finished eating and made your way to start searching around for the little koopa you were looking for. After asking some other town's people you finally found the place he worked at and walked in, it was like the one in mango high town but bigger and better. It was also cloud themed. "Hello, Lakitu?" You call out. "Hello there customers, what can I help you with?" He says from behind the counter, he was sitting on a cloud. "Ah! One of our friends from Mango High town told us you can help me get back to mushroom kingdom!" You explained to him, going up to the counter with Waluigi standing behind you. "Oh! Why, yes, I can, what is a princess like you doing here!?" He exclaimed, fixing his glasses with a surprise look on his face. "Well Waluigi and I happened to both be at bowsers we escaped, we got lost and now we're here." You let out a nervous chuckle. "Well a sheltered princess like you is bound to get lost around these parts easily...but are you sure you can trust him?" He whispered the last part to you, you were shocked he would ask that at first for a short moment. But then remembered he isn't really the best person. "What do you mean not the best person!?" Waluigi fumed, putting his hand on the counter. This startled Lakitu, "I-I was just worried!" The Lakitu stuttered. "Waluigi! Don't yell at him, that's not nice. Just let me do the talking." You fumed through your teeth, starring up at him. Waluigi looked back with an annoyed face and kept quiet. You clear your throat and turn your attention back at the Lakitu, "Sorry for him, really, he actually saved me from Bowser." You explained, Lakitu seemed to calm down a bit yet he was still tense. "Alright...if you say so. Now, you need help getting to Mushroom Kingdom? Correct?" He asks, "Yes that's correct." You assured. "Well lucky for you I can take you back. It shouldn't take long, "When do you need to leave?". You thought for a moment, "Tomorrow if that's possible? My dress is being fixed up, and it should be done by then." You answer. "Alright, then come get me when your dress is done." Lakitu smiled with a thumbs up. You quickly thanked him, multiple times and again on your way out. What you didn't notice was Waluigi giving Lakitu a look as he followed you out the store.


I am so sorry this took so long, it's a little shorter than what I like 😭 I lost my notes and had to rewrite what I planned, I still need to figure some things out! I lost so much progress so this will take longer to complete but I am working on it! <3


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