Masks | Chapter 10

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This was supposed to be a Halloween special. :,)


Some time had passed. Your skin had healed for the most part and you felt less more fatigued. In your room, you were fixing up your hair to make it look nice enough for the upcoming party. It was almost time for the last day of the fall festival, which was on Halloween. It was going to be right here in the kingdom. Where everyone had to wear masks. Your outfit was different, special for the occasion. Not the usual dress you wore but still had similar colors. As you finished up your hair there was a loud and disturbing thud, "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!" Daisy shouted at you, she was all decked out and ready to party. You cover your ears from out loud she was. "Who's ready to PARTY!" She hollers, grabbing onto you tightly into a hug. "Calm down!" You giggled, "I just got ready! Where's Peach?" You ask. "She's in the ballroom setting everything up! Let's go help." Daisy replied, leading you to the door by grabbing your hand.

You follow Daisy into the ballroom where Peach is setting things up with the help of the Toads. "Hey!" You and Daisy holler out to Peach, "Need help?" Daisy asks. "Oh! Yes, could you help them over there? They're having trouble with the tables. And Y/N, can you help bring out the food?" Peach asked, "You got it!" You answered, making your way to the kitchen. You help the Toads with finishing up the rest of the batches and start placing them nicely on big silver plates. There were lots of Halloween treats like cakes and chocolates. As for other food, pies, chili, and other yummy goodness. They were all shaped or decorated to look like some kind of monster, like Dry bones and bats. "Careful!" You call out as you quickly help a Toad from falling over who was carrying a big plate in his hands. "Thank you, Princess!" He said, "Let me get that for you." You replied, smiling and gently taking the plate from him. As you set it at the table you stop to look around, realizing everything is technically done. It was time to wait for the guests which will be anytime now. You smile and then look up. The stars, the big, and the small, painted stars on the ceiling. You awe at them for a while before you start to wish your sister was here. You turn almost sour until you realize that she is living her life. Onto the next chapter. You smile at this. "Y/N!" You hear and turn your gaze down and around, seeking for who called you. "The guests are coming!" Daisy says as you meet her eyes. "Oh okay! Sorry, l I'll go to the front with you." You say, walking with Daisy. Peach was already at the front to greet guests. Everyone was happy to be here.


After some time passed your feet started to hurt, and you were getting bored with greeting all the guests and decided to sit down. You wanted to enjoy this night. The other girls didn't seem to mind either way and eventually did their own thing. You chatted with Peach as you grabbed yourself some food. "Do you think he's coming?" The blonde-haired haired girl asked, "Who?" You reply. "Waluigi of course. It is a Halloween party, I wouldn't be surprised if he disguised himself." She says she was right. "If he did it would either be a really good or a really bad one." The two of you laugh at your comment. "I hope he doesn't try to do anything...bad..." She said under her breath, her eyebrows furrowed as her gaze looked away. Putting food on her plate. "If he does I'll beat him up for you." You nudged your friend's arm, she smiled over at you. The two of you continue chatting, every now and then being disturbed by an admirer, which is no surprise. "I'll be back, I have to go to the restroom." You excuse yourself from the table, "Alright, don't die." Daisy teased, she had chipped in on your chat with Peach earlier. "I'll try not to." You laughed before making your way to your destination. As you make your way over to the doors, they swing open. "Oh, pardon me." You flushed. "Princess Y/N?" A familiar voice said. Your face lights up, "Rosa!" Your sister laughs and gives you a big hug. "I didn't know you were coming!" You tell her, laughing with joy. "I wanted it to be a surprise!" She smiled back, pulling away from the hug yet holding your hands. "Did the others know?" You ask. "Only know Daisy can't keep secrets." She winked. You jumped up and down, you were quite happy that your sister was here. "The other two are sitting over there, I need to use the restroom and then I'll join you. Okay?" You tell you, your sister nods. Giving you one last big hug before you go your separate ways.

You make your way down the hallway, it was quiet around the restroom surprisingly. It was still early in the party so no one was here yet. But, a green someone else catches your eye now. "Oh, hey Luigi!" You waved as you passed by him. He had just walked into the hallway that was near the restroom. He seemed off. "Luigi?" You questioned as he walked passed you, maybe he didn't hear you the first time? Luigi stops in his tracks, you are able to notice slight shaking. "Are you okay? Should I get Daisy? Or Toad?" You hesitated to ask. "I'm...okay." He replied. His hands, and arms, were clutched to his side. His hands gripped his vampire cape. You felt like you were gonna piss yourself by the way he talked, that's not normal at all. "Okay..." You mumbled, Luigi started walking off. You just make your way to the bathroom as you think about what just happened. Something obviously wasn't right. Perhaps Mario should know, he's probably found Peach by now. After some pondering, you make your way back to the ballroom. "What the?" You wonder, "What's going on!?" You mentally scream. The sight of boos and ghosts was terrorizing all the guests! You hastily make your way to find your friends and sister. "Are you okay!?" You yell out to them. "I don't know where Daisy is! We lost her in the crowd!" Rosalina replied. "Do you think a ghost took her!?" Peach questions with worry. The chandeliers were swinging, lights flickering and candles falling. The commotion fills your brain as you try to think. "Luigi!" You burst out, "He wasn't feeling good, Where is he? I mean, Luigi seemed really off...!" The two girls look at each other and shrug at you with confused looks. You panic as you try to figure out a plan. Everything was so sudden, the Toads couldn't do anything, and no one could do anything. You watch Rosalina do her best to range the ghosts yet they keep flying everywhere. They were hard to catch. "Help me get everyone to safety!" Peach called, "Where!? They will find us anyway!" You question, "We'll take them out to the back. Just hurry!" She says. You obliged since there wasn't another idea you could think of. You try your best to calm the guests down a few at a time to lead them outside. Where it's safe and no one can get trampled, or crushed. It felt like forever, you were sweating and your heels ached. The cold outside made you feel better as you rested.

"Is that everyone?" Peach called out, "I'm not sure..." You huff out with heavy breathing. Rosalina comes out with the last batch of people. For some reason, the Ghosts didn't follow you outside. Everyone was confused. Even you. No doubt Rosalina and Peach were stumped.
"We still haven't found Daisy...or Mario." Rosalina groaned. She was disappointed. You weren't sure what to do and they weren't going to let you back inside for sure. "I'll go out looking for them, stay here. I'll go out in town." You say before running off, some of them yell out to you, "wait!- ah, Y/N..." Rosalina said to herself. She worried for you. You find yourself in town, it was practically empty. You search, calling out for Mario and Daisy. "Guys? Where are you? I don't understand what's going on." You say sheepishly, worried for your friends. You walk around the lightly lit town, the breeze hitting you gently. You were stupid to go out alone, you heard footsteps. Hastily, you turn around. Only to be greeted by a tall figure. "Who are you?" You asked, almost in a hushed tone "I'm...uh, sorry about this princess." The voice was shaky and familiar, "What?" You ask, and suddenly he grabs you. You tried your best ti struggle out but it happened so quickly. He swiftly ran out of town as you hear Rosalinas yells and cries from the distance of the town. She was too late.

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