"So," Taehyung started awkwardly, sitting on the edge of his seat as he watched Jungkook look around. He folded his hands in his lap, then decided against it, he folded his arms, then decided against it so instead he put them beneath his legs to trap them.

"I'm sorry for avoiding you..." he continued, voice impossible tiny and timid, he felt so horribly anxious that his leg started to bounce. Telling yourself to be brave was one thing but actually be brave was a whole other story.

Jungkook surprised him though; he took one of Taehyung's hands, successfully tugging it away from under his leg and engulfed his fingers with a much larger hand. A thumb rubbed over the back of his hand. When Taehyung lifted his head, Jungkook so soft and kind that it took his breath away for a second.

"It's okay... as long as you're alright. I didn't want to push you," Jungkook said and Taehyung just then realized how wrong he has been the entire time. And how unfair. Because Jungkook had been nothing but kind and understanding towards him.

Maybe that Jungkook he had known, the shy kid from middle school was still the same Jungkook, just more grown up and nothing like the rumors suggested. The rumors of him being a playboy and having slept with the entire cheerleader team.

Taehyung choked out a sound between a huff and a laugh, finally meeting Jungkook's eyes.

"God, you—you don't have to apologize, Jungkook. I should apologize for pushing you away rudely and leaving so abruptly. That—I didn't mean to hurt you," Taehyung apologized sincerely, taking Jungkook aback.

"I wanna be brave. And I wanna be honest with you," Taehyung told Jungkook, finally mustering up the courage and taking the risk.

"There are things I cannot tell you, but there are things that I can tell you. Things that explain why I act the way I do... but you have to promise you w-won't judge me for it or use them a-against me, okay? B-because then I-I would be really hurt a-and I really want to trust you, I do. I want us to be friends, Jungkook."

Although Jungkook's heart audibly broke by the last statement, he nodded slowly. Because it was clear that Taehyung had his difficulties with being so open and Jungkook didn't want his courage to go to waste just because he was harboring a crush on the little blonde. But he decided to put his own feelings aside.

"I also want us to be friends, Taehyung. Nothing would make me happier."

Except going on a date with you, but step after step. If you want to be just friends, I think I can also do that. For you. I would give you the moon if you asked for it, pretty angel.

"I have social anxiety," Taehyung blurted out, not wanting to beat around the bush. "A-and trust issues. In America, I've been hurt, by many people and nasty rumors, I've been followed—and I'm really, really bad in reading signs. As in, if someone likes me for me or if they just want to play with me and my feelings," Taehyung confessed.

It broke Jungkook's heart to hear that, not because of himself but because of what Taehyung had been through. He would never know what it's like when every human felt like a threat, when every look would feel ill-intended on your skin and made you want to hide.

"I-It's really hard to b-be around people, because I always feel watched. And the watching eyes never feel kind. I feel unsafe in crowded spaces and I can't stand loud sounds. I'm not good with trusting new people, I like my circle small. I-I don't want any problems. S-so please... don't make me regret my decision to trust you. I-I like you, Jungkookie, I like you a lot. Telling you this means exposing myself to you. Please don't hurt me and use that against me."

The confession was a lot to take in but Jungkook had never felt so glad to be offered this amount of honesty.

"I'm so proud of you," he blurted out, squeezing Taehyung's hand.

"Thank you so much for trusting me, Sweetheart. I'll make sure to repay that trust and never break it. I swear, I will never hurt you, because hurting you means hurting myself," Jungkook replied sincerely and heatedly and when Taehyung studied his face, he saw no lie in his deep brown eyes.

"I'm going to protect you from anyone who's looking just a bit wrong at you," Jungkook went on. Taehyung didn't notice he was crying until the first tear dropped down his cheek. Jungkook was faster in wiping it away.

"And I'll never let you cry until it's tears of happiness."

Taehyung laughed wetly, pressing his cheek into Jungkook's palm as the jock smiled fondly at the little blonde. He was so happy Taehyung decided to open up to him and trust him with this. It was a huge step for the both of them.

Unknowingly firing up the love both felt for the other. Unnoticed, a bond formed between the two that would tie them together. Their friendship was only going to bring them closer.

Until they would realize that the respective other was feeling the exact same about the other: love.

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