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"Can't believe pretty boy ditched you for your own best friend, some romcom author is rubbing their hands together right now." Mingyu had the empathy of a cockroach, teasing Jungkook as soon as Seokjin had left with Taehyung.

Jungkook ignored his teasing, not in the mood to be made fun of. It's been like that for months now and he couldn't stand being a laughingstock, thank you very much. He was going to ask Taehyung on a date today or may God help him.

"Hey, where are you going? You can't run away from my humor, Blueberry!" Mingyu shouted after him as Jungkook took off, throwing his friend a middle finger which caused Mingyu to laugh loudly in glee, grinning widely as watched the retreating, broad back of Jungkook.

"Go get your man, Jeon."


A catastrophe was on its way and the two people causing it were unaware of it.

Jungkook was looking for Taehyung in the school, fast steps carrying him through hallway after hallway.

Taehyung was on his way back to the football field, finally mustering up the courage to go talk to Jungkook. The blue-haired had previously expressed that he wanted to be friends and if Taehyung wanted their friendship to succeed, or start that is, he was going to be honest and vulnerable with Jungkook.

Yes, that seemed like a perfect plan.

Until he turned around a corner and violently crashed into a person approaching with fast steps.

Both fell on the ground with two equally pained groans.

"Yo, what the fuck—," the other started while Taehyung mewled in pain, rubbing over his aching butt.

"Oh shit. Taehyung?!" Why was the other so vulgar and why was he so damn loud?! Taehyung finally looked up, being eye to eye with the other student.

"Jungkook...?", he asked surprised, his hand still resting on his lower back as he stared in horror at the blue-haired sitting in an equal position on the ground.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you! Are you okay?" Jungkook was quick to jump to his feet despite his own aching body, helping Taehyung up while apologizing profusely.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, ugh, are you okay?" Taehyung groaned as he was helped to his feet, that was going to be nasty bruise. Jungkook hurried for an answer, assuring Taehyung that he was fine. As they stood in front of each other, an awkward silence arose.

"Actually, I was looking for you—"

"I wanted to tell you something—"

They said at the same time, both halting in their tracks and looking at each other before bursting into nervous laughter.

"No please, go ahead," Jungkook said, ever the nice gentleman he was raised as, offering Taehyung to start first.

The blonde looked around nervously. "U-uhm, can we go somewhere more... private?" He then asked Jungkook and now the jock felt nervousness arise in him too. He bit his tongue as the question nearly slipped out of what Taehyung wanted to ask him but he didn't want to make it awkward.

So he nodded and allowed Taehyung to lead him into the book club room that was thankfully nearby, watching Taehyung nervously wring his hands, fiddling with his fingers and tugging blonde locks behind his ear before untugging it, glancing ever so shyly back at the tall blue-haired male.

Once they were inside and Taehyung closed the door, he ushered Jungkook to take a seat. The jock glanced around curiously, he had never been inside the book club's designated room and since Taehyung spent so much time in here, he had always wondered what it looked like.

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