Interlude One: A Man On The Grass

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Life wasn't easy after Daniel went missing. Search parties and visits to the local police stations became the daily life for his family. His mom, Sophia, didn't take this all too well. It was strange to look for her son with the police when they were completely new to town. There were no connections that could help them. No real leads for them to follow. Daniel simply disappeared, with no trace, except the pain brought up every single time they thought about him. Eventually, after the case faded away in time, life went quiet. Sophia and Maise had to adapt, and the daughter certainly did better at that than her mom. This situation took a serious toll on her life. She had so much regret and guilt coming from how she treated her son. With all that on her shoulder, she couldn't stand the weight of her existence at all. She was drowning herself in work, sleep, and a horrendous amount of painkillers. This hustle made her a hollow doll. A shell of a person that used to sit inside her body. Sophia's actions led to Maisie being left alone. In school, she was being made fun of and didn't have any close relationships. She grew to be the silent outsider. These unprocessed emotions could feel her with a form of silent rage. She didn't want to shout or hurt others because of her cruel fate. She was imagining that. She wished it could be possible to do so.

One day, during spring, 4 years after Daniel disappeared, she walked from school. The desolate landscape of her neighborhood was as calm and relaxing as ever. Almost like it was able to consume and take away all the pain she was processing. In that wide-open landscape of a single street, a flat grassy field, and a spare amount of houses, Maisie was almost one with the peaceful and quiet nature around her. Grasshoppers were chirping, the wind was blowing, but suddenly something changed. Maisie felt dizzy as a few waves of rhythmic pulses went through her body. Around her many different things started appearing out of thin air. Boxes, wood planks, rifles, and a single body. Masie stood frozen for a second, looking at all that happened in a matter of one single second, She slowly walked up close. The man with blond hair lying on the grass was dead. Bleeded out to death from a bullet wound in his shoulder. Maisie's mind was momentarily filled with terror, she didn't understand how something like that could happen. The man wasn't killed here, he came from somewhere. His clothes were also different, like he was living in a desert, but also made out of scrappy materials. Who would wear that here? Just a short distance away from him, Maise saw a journal, curated in bright brown leather. The label on it said "The Diary of ..." with the name at the end scratched out. She eagerly flicked through the book glancing at some of the philosophical scriptures.

"Their world will burn upon my design." - she caught one sentence out of seemingly unending blocks of ideological mumble.

Suddenly she felt a strong presence approaching from behind. Someone, too, noticed the stuff that appeared here. What if they will blame her for that? She didn't kill this man, but who did? A thick masculine hand turned her around and took the journal by force. It was an older man with green emerald eyes.

-I'm afraid you can't have that, little girl. - he said.

-Who are you to judge that? - she tried to be confident, but it was just a facade.

-Well, you found it next to a dead body didn't you? - he mentioned it like it wasn't an out-of-ordinary thing to see. - I'm sure the police won't believe that all of this just appeared. - these words frightened her to the core, he seemed like he knew what was going on.

-Let me tell you this. You will learn about all of this soon enough when the time for you is right.

-Who are you? - she became more and more curious. The old man didn't seem vicious. Looking at his eyes she calmed down.

-Just a man who now can reap the rewards of my actions. Don't worry, we'll meet again soon...

Maisie gazed over the man lying on the grass. - What about... - she looked at the old man again but he was gone.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
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