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The meeting starts by Jasper telling Kelly what duties she would be doing after she becomes the nelph. His each sentence was broken by Aaron or Kelly.

"You would look after the soldiers-" Jasper would start

"Are they good in combat or in control of powers? " Kelly would interupt.

After half an hour it got to his nerves.

"My lady , do have a talking machine inside your mouth?"

"No-" she started

"Then please stay quite and listen" Jasper said

Kelly made a cute angry face to which both Jasper and Aaron grind. Kelly was keen to know what Jasper was thinking ."This girl . It's hard to believe that she could be annoying ,intelligent and cute all at the same time" she listens to Jasper's thoughts. She didn't let him know that she knew what he was thinking.

The meeting soon ended with Aaron's advice. He said 'that there are people who would not like a teenager to be nelph so get them follow small orders and soon they would follow the bigger ones.'

At the dispersal Aaron gives his bow and goes whereas Jasper stays. Kelly somewhere knew why he was there. There was a silence between them where they held eachother's gaze. It felt like they don't need words or mind reading to talk the eyes were enough. She felt butterflies whenever his brown eyes shined looking at her.

After a minute he gave his bow and left.

It was an hour before lunch so she decides to dress herself. She knew there were hundreds of powers left to try out and so she started with dressing. Ten days of no food made her look pale. She stands in front of dressing table . Kelly touched her face with two fingers summoning her powers. It worked - she knew it would - the dullness went away . In five minutes her face was glowing again. She decides that trying it without using hands and on whole body would take less time.

She thinks, tries, fails, repeats for 10 minutes and then succeeds. Feeling proud of herself she looks at the girl in the mirror. She was not Kelly Forger but someone just like her who was happy , loved and had a aim - to make sure faltanies were safe. She gives herself a little shake and puts the thoughts away. The next thing she tried was going  invisible . As usual she successfully managed to do it. " Let's prank Jasper"
She mutters to herself.

She thinks of him and the next thing she knew she was behind him. She goes invisible. She saw a man with him. Kelly reads mind of Jasper. My lady I know you are here. This is Carnel Clarkson. He is neraki - the one who can summon. You can prank him, he won't know you are here. And also do not forget that I read minds. So no pranking me .

She keeps her voice down and moves towards Carnel. She stands in front of him and then mutters.  " I know you were the one who killed my parents." With that she suddenly appears in front of him. He jumped, shrieked and backed of at the same time. Processing the events fast he bows and says "your highness" while she was laughing with Jasper.

Then she comes to her senses.
"No need to call me highness 'miss', 'Kelly 'or -

"No need. You are calling her highness and  that's settled " then he turns to his loved one "my lady, it's nearly time for lunch we have to go . But first go fast and change in a dress ."

"Ok" she says and leaves

In her room she takes a good dress and changes in 10 minutes while Jasper waited outside. She thinks         " why can't they call me Kelly?" She realises that Someone was waiting. She rushed outside and found Aaron and Jasper. They bowed, greeted and with that they left for lunch.

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