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   Jasper takes the lead and they head into a big hall "the power practicing room "

   "Jasper can I ask you something?''

  " Anything"

  " How could the outsiders not see how huge it is- this house?"

   "It's not a house it's a castle built up with all sorts of magic and power and this is the reason people can't see it."

  "Ooh, okay"

  " Lift your hand and summon the element you want to. You can summon one element in each hand ."

  She tried calling water and in a few seconds or less a ball of water formed above her palm. She lifts her other hand and makes it two.

  "My lady you are doing amazing it might not take you long to attain your age."

   The happiest day of her life, comes to an end when the dusk falls. Her training was over for the day . Jasper and Kelly were heading to Kelly's room when Kelly spoke "Erase memory of Forger family from me and Forger's memory too."

  "As you say ,my lady, but I can't erase your memory while you are the nelph.''

  "Okay but erase Forger's memory. I don't want any drama from them and this is a command not a request. It should be done by tomorrow."

  "As you wish." And the room appears.

  Kelly heads in her room and asks Jasper to come in for a talk.

  "What are the powers I give to faltinies."

   "You give different powers to diff- erent faltani- "
  "What power do you have?"

  "I can read minds "

" No you can't "

  "Yes I can and I know what you were thinking " and then he came close. She could feel his breath on her face and with that - he suddenly moved back and disappeared.

  "What was that " she said. The gate opens and a voice comes "do you need anything miss?" It was Andy who came in and slid a piece of paper on her desk saying " Sir Jasper told me to give you this."

  "Bring me food with a glass of water"

   She thought of the encounter she had with Jasper and took the piece of paper.

My lady,

   My lady I am sorry for the encounter we had . This won't be happening again. My lady I would like to inform you that Aaron would be Training you for the week.

Yours Jasper.

   Food came and she ate it . She commanded Andy to go and keep a guard at the door. " Don't let anyone come in at any cost" and as soon as Andy left she cried. Very hard and with no care who might think what. What she thought was she liked him a lot and maybe was to be converted in love .

   Why had he given her a hint if he had to just leave the feelings like this. She knew some where he liked her as well so why denial. She didn't sleep and sobbed all night long. She can't help ,not thinking of Jasper and decided she would never ever cry if he rejected and won't give up.

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