Chap. 46 - Farewell

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This encounter would undoubtedly make the Aeldari think for a while. Enough time to rethink some things they thought about the orks. While they may be crude and bellicose creatures, their sense of honor and dedication towards their warlord was by far the strongest in the entire galaxy. And seeing the dedication that the greenskins showed towards Kanan was proof of that.

They say that my enemy today is my friend tomorrow, but the greenskins take this concept too far. Despite trying to kill each other, both Kurnet and David now shared a table with Kanan, Murrey and some aeldaris, at an ostentatious feast in honor of the great warlord's return. And not only that, but they mocked each other and even praised each other for their strength in combat.

Ful'gar, on the other hand, was always an opportunist, and his group attacked only when they saw the opportunity to do so. He was a full-fledged Evil Moon after all. Of course, very few greenskins were willing to follow such a cowardly combat doctrine, but not even someone like him could hide his curiosity when he saw that the battle ended for no apparent reason. His face when he saw Kanan was simply indescribable.

Kanan did his best to pay attention to everything, but there was a huge, toothy problem that wouldn't leave him alone. White, the enormous albino squig went crazy when he saw his former master, and more than a beast capable of destroying countless enemies in battle, he acted more like a dog longing for attention... And the occasional caress on his belly.

The Aeldari's faces when they saw those huge portions of squig meat cooked over the fire were indescribable. Elegant and refined, the Aeldari were representations of beauty and grace, nourishing their bodies with only the most exquisite fruits and vegetables, or the most finely prepared meats by the best chefs of their civilization. So you can imagine their discontent when seeing those exaggerated portions of meat served on a piece of metal that calling it a "plate" was an overflow of optimism. Even Lith, being less demanding on these issues, had trouble not showing his displeasure. But if there was one thing no long-eared man could deny, it was that the fatty and tender squig meat roasted over the fire and bathed in the salts that Kanan taught his children how to prepare was a delight. Although no one would accept it out of pride.

Unfortunately, not everything was happy in such a lively celebration.

Seven years... Kanan was aware of how chaotic the warp currents could be, but he would never have imagined such a thing. What happened to them was just a few months since Slaneesh banished them from reality, for the rest of those present it had been seven years. This made the warlord quite sad, especially after hearing the anecdotes of those who had been left behind.

Kurnet always "grew up" under Kanan's wing. He was a warrior, a follower. And when his leader disappeared he was simply left with a great void in his mind... And in his heart. Atem III's victory was eventually claimed by the Orks, forcing the forces of the Calixus Crusade back beyond the edge of the solar system. But that victory was only momentary.

Not knowing what to do, Kurnet was unable to maintain the unity of the horde, causing it to fragment into three separate groups. The first to refuse to follow the metal-armed ork was Gul'kar himself, whose defiant attitude soon caused havoc among the rest of the greenskins.

For someone like David, it wasn't easy to accept the change either. Kurnet was far from even Kanan's shadow, and for the Gretchin this was unacceptable.

Not even David himself knew what had happened, but the greater his desire to rebel against his temporary leader, the more anger built within him. His skin simply took on a red coloring, and his strength quickly grew to impossible stats, becoming the leader of the Gretchins rebellion.

The red gretchin was a myth that even the greenskins themselves were unaware of. Only the Aeldari present were aware of the topic, as even Kanan had barely heard mention of it. The gretchin who was unwilling to follow his leader, and would rise from the rot to lead his people in a fierce battle for supremacy against their former lords. The story was undoubtedly impressive, although for the greenskins the conclusion was that David was now red and looked cooler... Finito.

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